Viral Vid: Baby claps hands in the womb some skeptical

Parents sing “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” while their baby claps hands in the womb on ultrasound and it was put on a video which has gone viral. While the charming baby announcement uploaded by Jen Cardinal has delighted many, others are skeptical. Jen Cardinal said that her unborn baby…

Parents sing “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” while their baby claps hands in the womb on ultrasound and it was put on a video which has gone viral.

While the charming baby announcement uploaded by Jen Cardinal has delighted many, others are skeptical.

Ultrasound Clap fetus

Jen Cardinal said that her unborn baby was 14 weeks gestation during an ultrasound when her baby clapped three times on screen. But, immediately the critics weighed in, questioning the validity of the video.

The proud mother wrote, “The experience is one I’ll never forget, the baby clapped three times, then the doctor rewound and scrubbed it while we sang. No mystery. It was amazing. Trolls won’t get me down!”
Baby claps while mom sings unborn ultrasound

I was amazed, my husband, was speechless, our doctor said. ‘Let’s sing a song, Scott do you have your phone? Let’s make a video. What do you want to sing?’

“I immediately replied, ‘if you’re happy and you know it.‘”

“So, my doctor and I sang, while he replayed and timed the clapping to our song, my laughing husband made the video, and our official pregnancy announcement was born!”

A spokesperson for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists was skeptical and told that it’s plausible the baby did clap at least once, explaining, “Fetuses make all sorts of meaningless movements in utero without knowing that they are doing it — but if the clapping movement is real, it only happened once and they probably edited it to repeat.”

Baby claps while mom sings unborn sonogram

We’ve been very honest,” Cardinal wrote on her YouTube page to skeptics, “The video is fun because it is positive, lighthearted, and spur of the moment. We shared it as our announcement, and we still love it.”

Cardinal spoke with Inside Edition and explained the video further:

Regardless as to why the baby moved or how many times the baby clapped, seeing an unborn baby active inside their mother’s womb helps prove the case that the preborn child is a living human being.

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Do you believe the baby in the womb clapped several times or are you skeptical and why?


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