Planned Parenthood blames ObamaCare for center’s closure

UPDATE: A a news article is reporting that Planned Parenthood Battle Creek has now officially closed to patients as of January 20th. VICTORY! An ironic twist of fate has occurred, Planned Parenthood which lobbied heavily for the Affordable Care Act, is now blaming the ObamaCare monstrosity for the closure of a Michigan clinic. A local…

UPDATE: A a news article is reporting that Planned Parenthood Battle Creek has now officially closed to patients as of January 20th. VICTORY!

An ironic twist of fate has occurred, Planned Parenthood which lobbied heavily for the Affordable Care Act, is now blaming the ObamaCare monstrosity for the closure of a Michigan clinic.

PP Battle Creek Center Closing

A local Michigan media outlet reports:

    • Planned Parenthood Mid and South Michigan is closing its Battle Creek clinic, citing “increasing competition and declining patient demand” as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

The last day of operation will be Jan. 31.

Spokeswoman Desiree Cooper said the need for Planned Parenthood’s health-care services has declined because of the ACA, which has greatly improved access to subsidized contraceptives and women’s health-care services.

The ACA requires insurances plan to provide women with an annual physical and contraceptives without a deductible or co-pay. That means women who formerly were reliant on Planned Parenthood for services and birth control can now obtain them elsewhere, Cooper said.

President Obama once promised Planned Parenthood that abortion would be at the heart of his health care bill, and he kept that promise!

Help the Cause Life Dynamics pro-life

Life Dynamics has been exposing Planned Parenthood for many years. Our most recent Child Predator Report documents how the abortion giant covers for child sexual predators. In 2009, Life Dynamics produced the powerful documentary, Maafa21, detailing the racist agenda of Planned Parenthood. Watch that here.

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