Life is precious moment: dog rocks baby in cradle

We all love those videos uploaded to YouTube of animals and babies and this one of a dog rocking a baby to sleep in her cradle is no exception. Clearly, this little beagle is being coached to rock this little baby girl’s cradle, but that did not stop the millions of viewers from watching. One…

We all love those videos uploaded to YouTube of animals and babies and this one of a dog rocking a baby to sleep in her cradle is no exception.

Dog rocks baby to sleep

Clearly, this little beagle is being coached to rock this little baby girl’s cradle, but that did not stop the millions of viewers from watching.

Dog and Baby2

Dog and Baby 4

One thing seems certain, the infant in her crib seems fascinated by her Beagle helper.

Dog and baby

And the image at the end shows the two all cuddled up together will grow up to be best friends.

As pro-lifers we celebrate life. Video’s like this are another reminder of the precious moments in the life of each and every baby.

Watch and enjoy:

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