Affordable Health Care Act is Abortion Bailout Fund as predicted by pro-life leaders

In the most recent episode of Life Talk TV, host Mark Crutcher tells the panel that in a new GAO report has revealed that there is a 95 to 100% chance that if you have health care under ObamaCare you will pay for abortions. “The Obama administration knew this all along,” Crutcher says on the…

In the most recent episode of Life Talk TV, host Mark Crutcher tells the panel that in a new GAO report has revealed that there is a 95 to 100% chance that if you have health care under ObamaCare you will pay for abortions.

Nov 2014 Mark Crutcher Life Talk

The Obama administration knew this all along,” Crutcher says on the November 2014 show, “They knew they were lying through their teeth from day one.

The GAO looked at 1,036 plans accessible through the ObamaCare program.

Nov 2014 Frank Pavone Life Talk

Fr. Frank Pavone pointed out that the Life Talk panel predicted that ObamaCare would be the abortion bailout, “You know, Mark at the very beginning of this debate, I remember sitting at this very table and you were making the point and we were all agreeing, this legislation is the bailout for the abortion industry. We talked about that years ago and we sat here at this table and said watch folks, you’re going to see evidence of this. And here it is,” the Priests for Life leader stated.

GAO 1036

Watch the November 2014 show here.

A year earlier during the November 2013 show, the cast of Life Talk interviewed Michael New, Asst. Professor at the University of Michigan, Dearborn over how the Affordable Health Care Act already pays for elective abortions.

New stated that ObamaCare would fund abortions through Medicaid expansion. He said that ObamaCare creates state health care exchanges which are subsidized by tax dollars and fund abortions. New predicts that at least 100,000 more abortions will be publicly funded each year because of ObamaCare.

That interview can be viewed below:

Life Talk is a monthly pro-life TV show produced in Denton, Texas by Life Dynamics.

The show is hosted by Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, Renee Hobbs vice president of Life Dynamics, Priests for Life national director Fr. Frank Pavone, Operation Rescue president Troy Newman, and New Wave Feminists founder Destiny Herndon-DeLaRosa.

You can view the most recent show here

Look for Life Dynamics and Life Talk on Facebook and Twitter.


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