Ever been stumped when discussing abortion with someone who is pro-choice or on the fence about abortion?
Knowing the true heart of the typical questions or misconceptions as well as the common pro-choice movement’s rhetoric and deceptions can help you learn how to respond to them in the future. Learning to answer these questions may not help you convert the most hardcore pro-choicer, but many of them will never change their mind no matter what you do or say. Your true victories are talking with people whose support is marginal or to a woman who may be considering abortion.
Below is a list of typical arguments that have been heard from the pro-choice side.
Remember that most of these questions or arguments are based on at least one untrue assumption, and that when you respond you must expose that untrue assumption. Otherwise the listener will conclude that the assumption is true and we lose, no matter what else is said. It is all crucial that we don’t reinforce our opponent’s position. These people are masters at spinning their positions to make them sound reasonable and attractive. Our job is to make sure that the public hears what they are really saying.
Pro-Choice Arguments:
Browse the arguments or click on a topic to refine your search to arguments of a certain topic. Then, click on the argument to jump to see the response.
Women’s Rights
Constitution, Rights, & Supreme Court
Politics, Society, & Culture
Faux Life
Science / Biology
Teen Pregnancy
- The issue is who decides, the woman or the state. It’s about freedom of choice.
- The government has no right to interfere in people’s personal choices.
- The government has no right to come into our bedrooms.
- No one has the right to tell a woman she has to have a child.
- The government should not be involved in the practice of medicine.
- The government has an obligation to fund abortions for poor women.
- Government should stay out of abortion. Don’t subsidize it and don’t prohibit it.
- I’d rather pay $300 for a welfare mom’s abortion than thousands to raise her kid.
- I am against abortion but I look at all the issues. Besides, most political offices have nothing to do with abortion.
- We should not have litmus tests for politicians and judges.
- Abortion is about empowering women.
- It’s the woman’s body. It’s her decision.
- Abortion is a women’s issue. Men have no right to even be involved.
- What others believe about abortion is irrelevant. All that matters is what the woman believes.
- The issue is whether we trust women to be their own moral agents.
- If abortion is illegal, how will women who miscarry convince the authorities that they didn’t actually have illegal abortions?
- What gives you the right to tell a woman she can’t terminate her pregnancy?
- Women must be free to control their reproductive lives.
- The Supreme Court settled this once and for all. They said that women have a constitutional right to abortion.
- Why should a fetus have more rights than the woman?
- I am not for abortion on demand. I support the compromise in Roe v. Wade.
- How can a fetus have constitutional rights before it is viable?
- How can tissue only a quarter of an inch in diameter have constitutional rights?
- The Constitution says that people have to be “born or naturalized in the United States” to have rights. A fetus is not born.
- By English Common Law, abortion was legal when our Constitution was written.
- There is no consensus for outlawing abortion. Most Americans are pro-choice.
- I am pro-life, but I think abortion should be allowed in certain situations.
- Why should abortion be illegal if the pregnancy threatens the woman’s life?
- How can you tell a woman whose fetus is handicapped that she has to have it?
- Why should a woman who was the victim of rape or incest have to bear a child?
- If abortion is illegal, what should the penalty be for a woman who has one?
- No woman ever wanted an abortion. They only do it when they have good reasons.
- Outlawing abortion will impose an unequal burden on poor women. Wealthy women will just go to other countries.
- This is the toughest decision a woman will ever make. No one has a right to interfere.
- Why shouldn’t a woman whose baby is going to die anyway have an abortion?
- I don’t like surgical abortions, but there’s nothing wrong with the abortion pill.
- What about a woman who can’t afford another child or isn’t ready to be a mom?
- How can you deny women health care?
- If abortion is outlawed women will again be killed in back-alley abortions.
- Late-term abortions are not done unless the woman’s life is in danger or the baby is already dead or couldn’t survive.
- What about a 14-year-old girl who finds herself pregnant?
- The answer to abortion is not in making it against the law but in changing hearts. You cannot legislate morality.
- You have no right to tell others what to believe. You people are just anti-choice extremists.
- I am personally opposed to abortion, but I can’t inflict my beliefs on others.
- Someone can be opposed to abortion but still be pro-choice.
- This is a religious issue and you have no right to force your beliefs on other people. Keep your Rosaries off my ovaries!
- Is it possible for someone to be pro-choice and a Christian?
- The Bible does not condemn abortion and Jesus never spoke out against it.
- I know abortion is wrong, but I don’t feel the Lord leading me to take a stand on it.
- God gave us free will and it is not our place to judge women who have abortions.
- Abortion is just one of many issues the church has to be concerned about.
- I believe that abortion is wrong, but the solution is prayer.
- My job is to save souls, not bodies. Besides, those babies go to heaven anyway.
- If a woman isn’t ready for a baby, maybe it’s best that she abort and ask God to bring the child back at a better time.
- When a woman miscarries, did God do an abortion on her?
- Theologians can’t agree when a soul enters the body.
- The fetus is only a potential human life.
- No one can prove when life begins. It is up to the woman to decide.
- If a baby is not a white, healthy, newborn it stands little chance of being adopted.
- There are more abortions than people waiting to adopt. What do we do after these people have gotten a baby?
- What about the children who get adopted by people who abuse or neglect them?
- What about a woman who says she could not carry a child for nine months and then give it up for adoption?
- Why don’t you help people who are already here, like the homeless?
- We have a nation of babies having babies.
- Millions of children are already starving.
- What about overpopulation?
- I don’t want to pay for all the social problems created by unwanted children.
- To end child abuse, we need to make sure that every child is a wanted child.
- Some children are forced to lead terrible lives. Isn’t abortion better than that?
- Contraception is the answer to abortion.
- Why do the same people who oppose abortion always fight against sex education and birth control?
- Why should a woman who is acting responsibly be forced into motherhood just because her birth control failed?
- Abortion is safer than childbirth.
- Abortion is not used as birth control.
- Let’s set aside our differences and look for common ground. We should look for ways to end the need for abortion.
- How can people call themselves pro-life and support every war that comes along?
- Pro-lifers talk about the sanctity of human life but most support the death penalty.
- Why do you oppose fetal tissue research and embryonic stem cell research when so many lives could be saved?
- When a pro-lifer’s daughter gets pregnant, they quickly become pro-choice converts.
- How can you call yourselves pro-life when your movement is so violent?
- How can conservatives justify the government taking away a citizen’s rights?
- Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.
- The fact that the Ku Klux Klan is pro-life shows just what kinds of bigots oppose legal abortion.
- What’s the big deal? Abortion is just a simple five-minute procedure.
- Outlawing abortion will not end it. Women will always have abortions.
- Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.
- Those graphic abortion pictures are not real. They’re stillbirths and miscarriages.
- Doctors don’t do abortions for the money. Abortions are about $300 but a doctor can make thousands for a delivery.
- Our abortion clinic routinely gets letters from women telling us how grateful they are for the service we provided them.
- I’ve known several women who had abortions and they didn’t regret it at all.
- Have you pro-lifers ever thought about the possibility that you may be wrong?
- I’m pro-choice but I’m uncomfortable with the idea of women having multiple abortions.
- The issue is who decides, the woman or the state. It’s about freedom of choice.
- The government has no right to interfere in people’s personal choices.
- The government has no right to come into our bedrooms.
- No one has the right to tell a woman she has to have a child.
- The government should not be involved in the practice of medicine.
- The government has an obligation to fund abortions for poor women.
- Government should stay out of abortion. Don’t subsidize it and don’t prohibit it.
- I’d rather pay $300 for a welfare mom’s abortion than thousands to raise her kid.
- If abortion is illegal, how will women who miscarry convince the authorities that they didn’t actually have illegal abortions?
- If abortion is illegal, what should the penalty be for a woman who has one?
- The answer to abortion is not in making it against the law but in changing hearts. You cannot legislate morality.
- Outlawing abortion will not end it. Women will always have abortions.
- Pro-lifers talk about the sanctity of human life but most support the death penalty.
- The issue is who decides, the woman or the state. It’s about freedom of choice.
- Abortion is about empowering women.
- No one has the right to tell a woman she has to have a child.
- It’s the woman’s body. It’s her decision.
- Abortion is a women’s issue. Men have no right to even be involved.
- How can you deny women health care?
- What others believe about abortion is irrelevant. All that matters is what the woman believes.
- The issue is whether we trust women to be their own moral agents.
- What gives you the right to tell a woman she can’t terminate her pregnancy?
- Women must be free to control their reproductive lives.
- Why should a woman who is acting responsibly be forced into motherhood just because her birth control failed?
- I’m pro-choice but I’m uncomfortable with the idea of women having multiple abortions.
- What about a woman who can’t afford another child or isn’t ready to be a mom?
- Outlawing abortion will impose an unequal burden on poor women. Wealthy women will just go to other countries.
- What about a woman who says she could not carry a child for nine months and then give it up for adoption?
- Why should a woman who was the victim of rape or incest have to bear a child?
- Why should a fetus have more rights than the woman?
- How can conservatives justify the government taking away a citizen’s rights?
- Why should a fetus have more rights than the woman?
- How can a fetus have constitutional rights before it is viable?
- How can tissue only a quarter of an inch in diameter have constitutional rights?
- The Constitution says that people have to be “born or naturalized in the United States” to have rights. A fetus is not born.
- By English Common Law, abortion was legal when our Constitution was written.
- How can conservatives justify the government taking away a citizen’s rights?
- The Supreme Court settled this once and for all. They said that women have a constitutional right to abortion.
- I am not for abortion on demand. I support the compromise in Roe v. Wade.
- There is no consensus for outlawing abortion. Most Americans are pro-choice.
- Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.
- Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.
- Why should a woman who was the victim of rape or incest have to bear a child?
- No woman ever wanted an abortion. They only do it when they have good reasons.
- I’ve known several women who had abortions and they didn’t regret it at all.
- This is the toughest decision a woman will ever make. No one has a right to interfere.
- Outlawing abortion will not end it. Women will always have abortions.
- Outlawing abortion will impose an unequal burden on poor women. Wealthy women will just go to other countries.
- If abortion is outlawed women will again be killed in back-alley abortions.
- We have a nation of babies having babies.
- Millions of children are already starving.
- What about overpopulation?
- I don’t want to pay for all the social problems created by unwanted children.
- Some children are forced to lead terrible lives. Isn’t abortion better than that?
- To end child abuse, we need to make sure that every child is a wanted child.
- Let’s set aside our differences and look for common ground. We should look for ways to end the need for abortion.
- I don’t like surgical abortions, but there’s nothing wrong with the abortion pill.
- I am against abortion but I look at all the issues. Besides, most political offices have nothing to do with abortion.
- We should not have litmus tests for politicians and judges.
- The answer to abortion is not in making it against the law but in changing hearts. You cannot legislate morality.
- This is a religious issue and you have no right to force your beliefs on other people. Keep your Rosaries off my ovaries!
- You have no right to tell others what to believe. You people are just anti-choice extremists.
- Why don’t you help people who are already here, like the homeless?
- How can you call yourselves pro-life when your movement is so violent?
- The fact that the Ku Klux Klan is pro-life shows just what kinds of bigots oppose legal abortion.
- How can people call themselves pro-life and support every war that comes along?
- Pro-lifers talk about the sanctity of human life but most support the death penalty.
- Have you pro-lifers ever thought about the possibility that you may be wrong?
- When a pro-lifer’s daughter gets pregnant, they quickly become pro-choice converts.
- Someone can be opposed to abortion but still be pro-choice.
- I’m pro-choice but I’m uncomfortable with the idea of women having multiple abortions.
- Our abortion clinic routinely gets letters from women telling us how grateful they are for the service we provided them.
- I am pro-life, but I think abortion should be allowed in certain situations.
- Why should abortion be illegal if the pregnancy threatens the woman’s life?
- Why should a woman who was the victim of rape or incest have to bear a child?
- I am against abortion but I look at all the issues. Besides, most political offices have nothing to do with abortion.
- I am not for abortion on demand. I support the compromise in Roe v. Wade.
- I don’t like surgical abortions, but there’s nothing wrong with the abortion pill.
- If abortion is outlawed women will again be killed in back-alley abortions.
- Outlawing abortion will not end it. Women will always have abortions.
- I am personally opposed to abortion, but I can’t inflict my beliefs on others.
- The answer to abortion is not in making it against the law but in changing hearts. You cannot legislate morality.
- Let’s set aside our differences and look for common ground. We should look for ways to end the need for abortion.
- How can you deny women health care?
- The government should not be involved in the practice of medicine.
- Why should abortion be illegal if the pregnancy threatens the woman’s life?
- If abortion is outlawed women will again be killed in back-alley abortions.
- How can you tell a woman whose fetus is handicapped that she has to have it?
- Why shouldn’t a woman whose baby is going to die anyway have an abortion?
- If a baby is not a white, healthy, newborn it stands little chance of being adopted.
- Some children are forced to lead terrible lives. Isn’t abortion better than that?
- Late-term abortions are not done unless the woman’s life is in danger or the baby is already dead or couldn’t survive.
- Abortion is safer than childbirth.
- Why do you oppose fetal tissue research and embryonic stem cell research when so many lives could be saved?
- Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.
- What about a woman who can’t afford another child or isn’t ready to be a mom?
- The government has an obligation to fund abortions for poor women.
- I’d rather pay $300 for a welfare mom’s abortion than thousands to raise her kid.
- I don’t want to pay for all the social problems created by unwanted children.
- Outlawing abortion will impose an unequal burden on poor women. Wealthy women will just go to other countries.
- Doctors don’t do abortions for the money. Abortions are about $300 but a doctor can make thousands for a delivery.
- This is a religious issue and you have no right to force your beliefs on other people. Keep your Rosaries off my ovaries!
- Is it possible for someone to be pro-choice and a Christian?
- The Bible does not condemn abortion and Jesus never spoke out against it.
- I know abortion is wrong, but I don’t feel the Lord leading me to take a stand on it.
- God gave us free will and it is not our place to judge women who have abortions.
- I believe that abortion is wrong, but the solution is prayer.
- My job is to save souls, not bodies. Besides, those babies go to heaven anyway.
- Abortion is just one of many issues the church has to be concerned about.
- If a woman isn’t ready for a baby, maybe it’s best that she abort and ask God to bring the child back at a better time.
- When a woman miscarries, did God do an abortion on her?
- Theologians can’t agree when a soul enters the body.
- Pro-lifers talk about the sanctity of human life but most support the death penalty.
- The fetus is only a potential human life.
- No one can prove when life begins. It is up to the woman to decide.
- I don’t like surgical abortions, but there’s nothing wrong with the abortion pill.
- Contraception is the answer to abortion.
- Why do the same people who oppose abortion always fight against sex education and birth control?
- Abortion is safer than childbirth.
- Abortion is not used as birth control.
- Why do you oppose fetal tissue research and embryonic stem cell research when so many lives could be saved?
- What’s the big deal? Abortion is just a simple five-minute procedure.
- Doctors don’t do abortions for the money. Abortions are about $300 but a doctor can make thousands for a delivery.
- Those graphic abortion pictures are not real. They’re stillbirths and miscarriages.
- If a baby is not a white, healthy, newborn it stands little chance of being adopted.
- There are more abortions than people waiting to adopt. What do we do after these people have gotten a baby?
- What about the children who get adopted by people who abuse or neglect them?
- Some children are forced to lead terrible lives. Isn’t abortion better than that?
- What about a woman who says she could not carry a child for nine months and then give it up for adoption?
- To end child abuse, we need to make sure that every child is a wanted child.
- I don’t want to pay for all the social problems created by unwanted children.
- What about a 14-year-old girl who finds herself pregnant?
- We have a nation of babies having babies.
- Contraception is the answer to abortion.
- Abortion is not used as birth control.
- Why do the same people who oppose abortion always fight against sex education and birth control?
- When a pro-lifer’s daughter gets pregnant, they quickly become pro-choice converts.
Women’s Rights
Constitution, Rights, & Supreme Court
Politics, Society, & Culture
Faux Life
Science / Biology
Teen Pregnancy
- The issue is who decides, the woman or the state. It’s about freedom of choice.
- The government has no right to interfere in people’s personal choices.
- The government has no right to come into our bedrooms.
- No one has the right to tell a woman she has to have a child.
- The government should not be involved in the practice of medicine.
- The government has an obligation to fund abortions for poor women.
- Government should stay out of abortion. Don’t subsidize it and don’t prohibit it.
- I’d rather pay $300 for a welfare mom’s abortion than thousands to raise her kid.
- I am against abortion but I look at all the issues. Besides, most political offices have nothing to do with abortion.
- We should not have litmus tests for politicians and judges.
- Abortion is about empowering women.
- It’s the woman’s body. It’s her decision.
- Abortion is a women’s issue. Men have no right to even be involved.
- What others believe about abortion is irrelevant. All that matters is what the woman believes.
- The issue is whether we trust women to be their own moral agents.
- If abortion is illegal, how will women who miscarry convince the authorities that they didn’t actually have illegal abortions?
- What gives you the right to tell a woman she can’t terminate her pregnancy?
- Women must be free to control their reproductive lives.
- The Supreme Court settled this once and for all. They said that women have a constitutional right to abortion.
- Why should a fetus have more rights than the woman?
- I am not for abortion on demand. I support the compromise in Roe v. Wade.
- How can a fetus have constitutional rights before it is viable?
- How can tissue only a quarter of an inch in diameter have constitutional rights?
- The Constitution says that people have to be “born or naturalized in the United States” to have rights. A fetus is not born.
- By English Common Law, abortion was legal when our Constitution was written.
- There is no consensus for outlawing abortion. Most Americans are pro-choice.
- I am pro-life, but I think abortion should be allowed in certain situations.
- Why should abortion be illegal if the pregnancy threatens the woman’s life?
- How can you tell a woman whose fetus is handicapped that she has to have it?
- Why should a woman who was the victim of rape or incest have to bear a child?
- If abortion is illegal, what should the penalty be for a woman who has one?
- No woman ever wanted an abortion. They only do it when they have good reasons.
- Outlawing abortion will impose an unequal burden on poor women. Wealthy women will just go to other countries.
- This is the toughest decision a woman will ever make. No one has a right to interfere.
- Why shouldn’t a woman whose baby is going to die anyway have an abortion?
- I don’t like surgical abortions, but there’s nothing wrong with the abortion pill.
- What about a woman who can’t afford another child or isn’t ready to be a mom?
- How can you deny women health care?
- If abortion is outlawed women will again be killed in back-alley abortions.
- Late-term abortions are not done unless the woman’s life is in danger or the baby is already dead or couldn’t survive.
- What about a 14-year-old girl who finds herself pregnant?
- The answer to abortion is not in making it against the law but in changing hearts. You cannot legislate morality.
- You have no right to tell others what to believe. You people are just anti-choice extremists.
- I am personally opposed to abortion, but I can’t inflict my beliefs on others.
- Someone can be opposed to abortion but still be pro-choice.
- This is a religious issue and you have no right to force your beliefs on other people. Keep your Rosaries off my ovaries!
- Is it possible for someone to be pro-choice and a Christian?
- The Bible does not condemn abortion and Jesus never spoke out against it.
- I know abortion is wrong, but I don’t feel the Lord leading me to take a stand on it.
- God gave us free will and it is not our place to judge women who have abortions.
- Abortion is just one of many issues the church has to be concerned about.
- I believe that abortion is wrong, but the solution is prayer.
- My job is to save souls, not bodies. Besides, those babies go to heaven anyway.
- If a woman isn’t ready for a baby, maybe it’s best that she abort and ask God to bring the child back at a better time.
- When a woman miscarries, did God do an abortion on her?
- Theologians can’t agree when a soul enters the body.
- The fetus is only a potential human life.
- No one can prove when life begins. It is up to the woman to decide.
- If a baby is not a white, healthy, newborn it stands little chance of being adopted.
- There are more abortions than people waiting to adopt. What do we do after these people have gotten a baby?
- What about the children who get adopted by people who abuse or neglect them?
- What about a woman who says she could not carry a child for nine months and then give it up for adoption?
- Why don’t you help people who are already here, like the homeless?
- We have a nation of babies having babies.
- Millions of children are already starving.
- What about overpopulation?
- I don’t want to pay for all the social problems created by unwanted children.
- To end child abuse, we need to make sure that every child is a wanted child.
- Some children are forced to lead terrible lives. Isn’t abortion better than that?
- Contraception is the answer to abortion.
- Why do the same people who oppose abortion always fight against sex education and birth control?
- Why should a woman who is acting responsibly be forced into motherhood just because her birth control failed?
- Abortion is safer than childbirth.
- Abortion is not used as birth control.
- Let’s set aside our differences and look for common ground. We should look for ways to end the need for abortion.
- How can people call themselves pro-life and support every war that comes along?
- Pro-lifers talk about the sanctity of human life but most support the death penalty.
- Why do you oppose fetal tissue research and embryonic stem cell research when so many lives could be saved?
- When a pro-lifer’s daughter gets pregnant, they quickly become pro-choice converts.
- How can you call yourselves pro-life when your movement is so violent?
- How can conservatives justify the government taking away a citizen’s rights?
- Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.
- The fact that the Ku Klux Klan is pro-life shows just what kinds of bigots oppose legal abortion.
- What’s the big deal? Abortion is just a simple five-minute procedure.
- Outlawing abortion will not end it. Women will always have abortions.
- Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.
- Those graphic abortion pictures are not real. They’re stillbirths and miscarriages.
- Doctors don’t do abortions for the money. Abortions are about $300 but a doctor can make thousands for a delivery.
- Our abortion clinic routinely gets letters from women telling us how grateful they are for the service we provided them.
- I’ve known several women who had abortions and they didn’t regret it at all.
- Have you pro-lifers ever thought about the possibility that you may be wrong?
- I’m pro-choice but I’m uncomfortable with the idea of women having multiple abortions.
- The issue is who decides, the woman or the state. It’s about freedom of choice.
- The government has no right to interfere in people’s personal choices.
- The government has no right to come into our bedrooms.
- No one has the right to tell a woman she has to have a child.
- The government should not be involved in the practice of medicine.
- The government has an obligation to fund abortions for poor women.
- Government should stay out of abortion. Don’t subsidize it and don’t prohibit it.
- I’d rather pay $300 for a welfare mom’s abortion than thousands to raise her kid.
- If abortion is illegal, how will women who miscarry convince the authorities that they didn’t actually have illegal abortions?
- If abortion is illegal, what should the penalty be for a woman who has one?
- The answer to abortion is not in making it against the law but in changing hearts. You cannot legislate morality.
- Outlawing abortion will not end it. Women will always have abortions.
- Pro-lifers talk about the sanctity of human life but most support the death penalty.
- The issue is who decides, the woman or the state. It’s about freedom of choice.
- Abortion is about empowering women.
- No one has the right to tell a woman she has to have a child.
- It’s the woman’s body. It’s her decision.
- Abortion is a women’s issue. Men have no right to even be involved.
- How can you deny women health care?
- What others believe about abortion is irrelevant. All that matters is what the woman believes.
- The issue is whether we trust women to be their own moral agents.
- What gives you the right to tell a woman she can’t terminate her pregnancy?
- Women must be free to control their reproductive lives.
- Why should a woman who is acting responsibly be forced into motherhood just because her birth control failed?
- I’m pro-choice but I’m uncomfortable with the idea of women having multiple abortions.
- What about a woman who can’t afford another child or isn’t ready to be a mom?
- Outlawing abortion will impose an unequal burden on poor women. Wealthy women will just go to other countries.
- What about a woman who says she could not carry a child for nine months and then give it up for adoption?
- Why should a woman who was the victim of rape or incest have to bear a child?
- Why should a fetus have more rights than the woman?
- How can conservatives justify the government taking away a citizen’s rights?
- Why should a fetus have more rights than the woman?
- How can a fetus have constitutional rights before it is viable?
- How can tissue only a quarter of an inch in diameter have constitutional rights?
- The Constitution says that people have to be “born or naturalized in the United States” to have rights. A fetus is not born.
- By English Common Law, abortion was legal when our Constitution was written.
- How can conservatives justify the government taking away a citizen’s rights?
- The Supreme Court settled this once and for all. They said that women have a constitutional right to abortion.
- I am not for abortion on demand. I support the compromise in Roe v. Wade.
- There is no consensus for outlawing abortion. Most Americans are pro-choice.
- Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.
- Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.
- Why should a woman who was the victim of rape or incest have to bear a child?
- No woman ever wanted an abortion. They only do it when they have good reasons.
- I’ve known several women who had abortions and they didn’t regret it at all.
- This is the toughest decision a woman will ever make. No one has a right to interfere.
- Outlawing abortion will not end it. Women will always have abortions.
- Outlawing abortion will impose an unequal burden on poor women. Wealthy women will just go to other countries.
- If abortion is outlawed women will again be killed in back-alley abortions.
- We have a nation of babies having babies.
- Millions of children are already starving.
- What about overpopulation?
- I don’t want to pay for all the social problems created by unwanted children.
- Some children are forced to lead terrible lives. Isn’t abortion better than that?
- To end child abuse, we need to make sure that every child is a wanted child.
- Let’s set aside our differences and look for common ground. We should look for ways to end the need for abortion.
- I don’t like surgical abortions, but there’s nothing wrong with the abortion pill.
- I am against abortion but I look at all the issues. Besides, most political offices have nothing to do with abortion.
- We should not have litmus tests for politicians and judges.
- The answer to abortion is not in making it against the law but in changing hearts. You cannot legislate morality.
- This is a religious issue and you have no right to force your beliefs on other people. Keep your Rosaries off my ovaries!
- You have no right to tell others what to believe. You people are just anti-choice extremists.
- Why don’t you help people who are already here, like the homeless?
- How can you call yourselves pro-life when your movement is so violent?
- The fact that the Ku Klux Klan is pro-life shows just what kinds of bigots oppose legal abortion.
- How can people call themselves pro-life and support every war that comes along?
- Pro-lifers talk about the sanctity of human life but most support the death penalty.
- Have you pro-lifers ever thought about the possibility that you may be wrong?
- When a pro-lifer’s daughter gets pregnant, they quickly become pro-choice converts.
- Someone can be opposed to abortion but still be pro-choice.
- I’m pro-choice but I’m uncomfortable with the idea of women having multiple abortions.
- Our abortion clinic routinely gets letters from women telling us how grateful they are for the service we provided them.
- I am pro-life, but I think abortion should be allowed in certain situations.
- Why should abortion be illegal if the pregnancy threatens the woman’s life?
- Why should a woman who was the victim of rape or incest have to bear a child?
- I am against abortion but I look at all the issues. Besides, most political offices have nothing to do with abortion.
- I am not for abortion on demand. I support the compromise in Roe v. Wade.
- I don’t like surgical abortions, but there’s nothing wrong with the abortion pill.
- If abortion is outlawed women will again be killed in back-alley abortions.
- Outlawing abortion will not end it. Women will always have abortions.
- I am personally opposed to abortion, but I can’t inflict my beliefs on others.
- The answer to abortion is not in making it against the law but in changing hearts. You cannot legislate morality.
- Let’s set aside our differences and look for common ground. We should look for ways to end the need for abortion.
- How can you deny women health care?
- The government should not be involved in the practice of medicine.
- Why should abortion be illegal if the pregnancy threatens the woman’s life?
- If abortion is outlawed women will again be killed in back-alley abortions.
- How can you tell a woman whose fetus is handicapped that she has to have it?
- Why shouldn’t a woman whose baby is going to die anyway have an abortion?
- If a baby is not a white, healthy, newborn it stands little chance of being adopted.
- Some children are forced to lead terrible lives. Isn’t abortion better than that?
- Late-term abortions are not done unless the woman’s life is in danger or the baby is already dead or couldn’t survive.
- Abortion is safer than childbirth.
- Why do you oppose fetal tissue research and embryonic stem cell research when so many lives could be saved?
- Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.
- What about a woman who can’t afford another child or isn’t ready to be a mom?
- The government has an obligation to fund abortions for poor women.
- I’d rather pay $300 for a welfare mom’s abortion than thousands to raise her kid.
- I don’t want to pay for all the social problems created by unwanted children.
- Outlawing abortion will impose an unequal burden on poor women. Wealthy women will just go to other countries.
- Doctors don’t do abortions for the money. Abortions are about $300 but a doctor can make thousands for a delivery.
- This is a religious issue and you have no right to force your beliefs on other people. Keep your Rosaries off my ovaries!
- Is it possible for someone to be pro-choice and a Christian?
- The Bible does not condemn abortion and Jesus never spoke out against it.
- I know abortion is wrong, but I don’t feel the Lord leading me to take a stand on it.
- God gave us free will and it is not our place to judge women who have abortions.
- I believe that abortion is wrong, but the solution is prayer.
- My job is to save souls, not bodies. Besides, those babies go to heaven anyway.
- Abortion is just one of many issues the church has to be concerned about.
- If a woman isn’t ready for a baby, maybe it’s best that she abort and ask God to bring the child back at a better time.
- When a woman miscarries, did God do an abortion on her?
- Theologians can’t agree when a soul enters the body.
- Pro-lifers talk about the sanctity of human life but most support the death penalty.
- The fetus is only a potential human life.
- No one can prove when life begins. It is up to the woman to decide.
- I don’t like surgical abortions, but there’s nothing wrong with the abortion pill.
- Contraception is the answer to abortion.
- Why do the same people who oppose abortion always fight against sex education and birth control?
- Abortion is safer than childbirth.
- Abortion is not used as birth control.
- Why do you oppose fetal tissue research and embryonic stem cell research when so many lives could be saved?
- What’s the big deal? Abortion is just a simple five-minute procedure.
- Doctors don’t do abortions for the money. Abortions are about $300 but a doctor can make thousands for a delivery.
- Those graphic abortion pictures are not real. They’re stillbirths and miscarriages.
- If a baby is not a white, healthy, newborn it stands little chance of being adopted.
- There are more abortions than people waiting to adopt. What do we do after these people have gotten a baby?
- What about the children who get adopted by people who abuse or neglect them?
- Some children are forced to lead terrible lives. Isn’t abortion better than that?
- What about a woman who says she could not carry a child for nine months and then give it up for adoption?
- To end child abuse, we need to make sure that every child is a wanted child.
- I don’t want to pay for all the social problems created by unwanted children.
- What about a 14-year-old girl who finds herself pregnant?
- We have a nation of babies having babies.
- Contraception is the answer to abortion.
- Abortion is not used as birth control.
- Why do the same people who oppose abortion always fight against sex education and birth control?
- When a pro-lifer’s daughter gets pregnant, they quickly become pro-choice converts.