Teen refuses abortion and fights to save her unborn son

An 18-year-old pregnant teen mother has refused an abortion after doctors said her unborn son would not survive, instead she fought to save his life. At 17, Kayleigh Douglas discovered she was pregnant and had been advised to abort her unborn son because, according to doctors, he had zero chance of survival. When she was…

An 18-year-old pregnant teen mother has refused an abortion after doctors said her unborn son would not survive, instead she fought to save his life.

At 17, Kayleigh Douglas discovered she was pregnant and had been advised to abort her unborn son because, according to doctors, he had zero chance of survival.

When she was 20-weeks the doctors gave her the devastating news that her unborn son had a rare condition – microcystic congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation.

Advised by the doctors to have an abortion, Kayleigh refused to give up hope.

I was numb with shock,” Kayleigh says.

I never expected anything that bad. I had already bonded with my baby. I loved him.

“The idea of an abortion to me was unthinkable at that stage. I wasn’t going to give up on my boy that easily. I felt sure that there must be another way.”

According to the UK Mirror, Kayleigh use the money she received on her 18th birthday to schedule an appointment in hope that her unborn child could be helped.

The physician agreed to see her and even offered her a free visit as a “birthday present.”

After he examined her and looked at a scan he told Kayleigh that her son’s chances were slim but he agreed to operate.

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The surgery was successful and the doctor said the child, which Kayleigh named Bobby, had survived.

“I was ecstatic when they told me he had. It was the best birthday present ever,” Kayleigh told the Mirror.

One week later Bobby kicked in Kayleigh’s womb for the first time.

I knew then I had made the right decision,” Kayleigh said.

“It was like he was showing me that I was right not to give up on him.”

Due to the stress, Bobby was born a week later, very premature, weighing just 2lb 14oz.


Nine weeks after he was born Kayleigh held Bobby for the first time.

A nurse lifted him out of his crib and wrapped him in a blue fleece blanket I had bought for him. When he was placed in my arms, tears welled up. He was just so gorgeous,” the loving mother said.

Although Bobby would survive, he had many special needs and Kayleigh said that after all she had been through to save his life, the doctors still expressed doubt that she would be able to cope.

Yes, I was a teenager and I was a single mum – but I knew I had the strength in me to do the best for Bobby,” she replied.

Nurses taught her how to use his ­ventilator and change his tracheotomy breathing and feeding tubes.

And when he was 18 months old, she was finally able to take him home.

At four-years-old Bobby took finally took his first steps, something Kayleigh was told he was never likely to do.

Kayleigh-Douglas-and Bobby

Bobby’s breathing tube was taken out last year and, according to the Mirror, he now goes to a primary school for disabled children, something Kayleigh never thought would happen.

Kayleigh’s final words to the Mirror about Bobby should give every young mother hope:

“I am so proud of my son. He is my world and has been since the minute he was born. And I’m proud of myself too because I know I’m a good mother and I know I have always done the best for Bobby.

“Age is just a number when it comes to being a mother. I might be young but I’ve been through more than most mums do in a lifetime.

“It’s not been easy looking after a child with all Bobby’s disabilities but do I regret missing out on my teenage years looking after him? Not at all.

“Bobby is the best thing to ever happen to me. I’m just so pleased I didn’t give up on him.

Read more about this amazing story here.

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