Auschwitz reminds us one day we’ll view abortion clinics with same horror

Tuesday, January 27, 2015, the world recalled 70th years since the liberation of the horrific Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. A national pro-life leader says that one day abortion clinics will be viewed with the same horror. According to the Holocaust Memorial Museum: Auschwitz I was constructed to serve three purposes: 1) to incarcerate real and…

Snowpocalypse forces Planned Parenthood abortion clinics to temporarily close

Due to Snowmageddon 2015 many Planned Parenthoods and abortion clinics were forced to close: The Snowpocalypse has forced Planned Parenthood East Orange Health Center to close January 26, 2015 at 1:00pm and on Tuesday and January 27, 2015. And there are others: Planned Parenthood, SNE, Closed Tuesday Planned Parenthood County: Dutchess City: Poughkeepsie Note: ALL…

Fr. Frank Pavone: Vatican gave Priests for Life clean bill of health

In the February edition of Life Talk TV, a national pro-life talk show, Fr. Frank Pavone explains recent controversies surrounding Priests for Life. “We’ve been criticized a lot over the years, but, I’m happy to tell you Mark, as you already know, the Vatican did a review of our work. They do very often with…

Family’s pregnancy announcement reaction: crazy excitement!

A family in Texas reacted with excitement after an unusual pregnancy announcement. Austin residents Caryn & Bryan Canatella gave their family a DVD of memories for Christmas . As the family sat down to watch the DVD, it appeared to end, when the words, “But wait…there’s more,” appeared. Then a sonogram of the couple’s unborn…

Pro-lifers will not relent until America is Abortion Free!

Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue and co-host of the national pro-life show, Life Talk TV, says pro-lifers will not relent until America is abortion free. Newman was reporting from outside Planned Parenthood in D.C. where thousands of pro-lifers will take part in the annual March for Life. Newman is the co-author of the new…

Pro-lifers to protest office of Rep. Renee Ellmers over abortion

Pro-lifers already assembling in Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life which mourns the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion on demand, are also planning protests at the offices a Rep. Renee Ellmers as well as Senator Mitch McConnell. This morning, Rev. Pat Mahoney led pro-lifers in prayer at outside offices of…

March for Life led by Annabelle’s Army named for baby docs wanted to abort

A March for Life event was led by pro-lifers commemorating little Annabelle Marie Roos whose family refused to abort her after she was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. The message of the Annabelle’s Army marchers is “Every Life Matters, Every Life Counts.” On January 5th, little Annabelle was carried into heaven to be with…