Episode 62 | Biden Administration’s Dedication To Abortion & Other News

Episode 62 | Biden Administration’s Dedication To Abortion & Other News

Recent news of Biden’s administration and his appointees makes it clear that they are dedicated to abortion. We discuss Biden’s choice for ambassador to Ireland, at a time when pro-choicers in Ireland are pushing for the expansion of legalized abortion, as well as his choice for the head of the Bureau of Land Management. We also discuss Biden’s appointee to HHS, Xavier Becerra, nixing the NIH ethics board overseeing human fetal tissue research. Plus, we share the interesting clash that happened recently between an Irish radio host and “bio-ethicist” Richard Dawkins about Dawkins’s views on aborting children with disabilities.

Episode 52 | American Tax Payers Have Been Paying For Aborted Baby Parts For YEARS!

Episode 52 | American Tax Payers Have Been Paying For Aborted Baby Parts For YEARS!

This week, under the guise of women’s safety due to COVID, the FDA announced that women seeking an abortion pill will not be required to visit a doctor’s office or clinic. We discuss how the fight to abandon this requirement began, what it means for women and young girls and what the motivation for the abortion industry’s endorsement of RU-486 really is. (Hint: It’s not money.)