NY dept. of probation uses Planned Parenthood program to “educate” male sexual offenders

A New York department of probation is referring sexual predators between the ages of 16 to 25 to a treatment program written by Planned Parenthood. The program, offered by the Clinton County Department of Probation in Plattsburgh, New York is called Responsible Men’s Group. The Clinton County Department of Probation website describes the program as…

NY Abortion clinics like something out of a back alley, say ads published by pro-life group

Filthy, dirty, like something out of a back alley, so say women’s reviews of abortion clinics in three ads published by a pro-life group in New York. In 2012, 37% of all viable pregnancies in New York City ended in abortion. This is nearly twice the national average. According to the Chiaroscuro Group, only 17…