Episode 133 | Is The Pro-Choice Side Openly Admitting Abortion’s Connection To Satanism?

Episode 133 | Is The Pro-Choice Side Openly Admitting Abortion’s Connection To Satanism?

At Life Dynamics, we have discussed the connection between abortion and Satanism over the years. But with a newly mounted satanic looking statue atop a New York court building dedicated to Ginsburg and abortion, and the Satanic Temple to open a ritualistic telemed abortion clinic, could the pro-abortion side be finally admitting it’s connection to Satanism?

Episode 117 | Tips EVERY Pro-Lifer Needs To Know  In The Surge In Violence Against Pro-Lifers

Episode 117 | Tips EVERY Pro-Lifer Needs To Know In The Surge In Violence Against Pro-Lifers

In the months after the overturn of Roe vs Wade, we have seen a surge in violence against pro-lifers. We reveal the latest cases, including a shocking FBI raid of a pro-lifer over a supposed violation of the FACE Act, and provide safety tips that EVERY pro-lifer should follow. Plus we discuss other news, such as Stacy Abrams saying that a 6-week fetal heartbeat is ‘Manufactured sounds’ and how an American is suing Malta over their abortion laws.