Murder charge dropped in abortion pill case – Planned Parenthood “glad”

The nation’s top seller of abortions, Planned Parenthood said they are “glad” a murder charge has been dropped against a woman who killed her unborn child using an abortion pill she purchased online. 23-year-old Kenlissa Jones allegedly took the abortion pill, Cytotec, after she purchased it off the internet to abort he five-and-a-half-month-old baby boy….

Abortion doctor bound over for trial with conspiracy to commit felony charge added

An Oklahoma abortion doctor placed under arrest last year for selling abortions to non-pregnant women has been bound over to face trial. Abortionist Naresh Patel was arrested in December after undercover agents set up appointments with the abortionist where they say he administered ultrasounds and pregnancy tests and then told them they were pregnant. According…

Journalist in shocking Gosnell interview says abortion doc “chilled my blood”

The producers of a documentary film on Kermit Gosnell who operated Pennsylvania’s “House of Horrors” abortion clinic where babies were killed after they were born alive has revealed shocking new details about the now jailed abortionist. Ann McElhinney, producer of the film, Gosnell The Movie, spoke to Dana Loesch at The Blaze, after returning from…