Daughter with Treacher Collins syndrome inspires couple to adopt more children
A loving couple who opened their hearts to adopt several kids shared why they adopted a girl from Ukraine with Treacher Collins syndrome.
A loving couple who opened their hearts to adopt several kids shared why they adopted a girl from Ukraine with Treacher Collins syndrome.
A couple whose unborn baby was diagnosed with a severe heart defect refused doctor’s advice to have an abortion and are now waiting for a heart transplant for their daughter. At 20 weeks, just before Christmas last year, doctors told parents Rachel Boddle and Tom Butler that their unborn daughter had only half a heart….
While pro-life advocates work to remove tax funded abortions, Princeton University bio-ethicist, Peter Singer says he doesn’t want his tax dollars to pay for disabled babies. In a radio interview in April with WorldNet Daily’s Aaron Klein, Peter Singer argued it is “reasonable” for government or private insurance companies to deny treatment to severely disabled…
While Hillary Clinton supports abortion on demand in the United States for any unborn child, another Hilary (spelled with one “L”) out of the UK has emerged with a positive message for life. In an interview with the pro-life disabled woman uploaded by a pro-life group out of the UK, Hilary McDowel says that she…