#129 – “I’m Pro-Choice But I’m Uncomfortable With Late-Term Abortions.”
Some members of the pro-choice side will claim that they are personally troubled by late term abortions. But don’t be fooled.
Some members of the pro-choice side will claim that they are personally troubled by late term abortions. But don’t be fooled.
Pro-choice people often say that abortion is okay because the unborn are not really human beings. Meanwhile, there is a lucrative market for human body parts harvested from babies killed by abortion.
The pro-choice side argues that abortion should be legal because women have the right to control their own bodies. But remember this…
The pro-choice side claims that legalized abortion allows women to have successful careers that they would not have been able to have if they were “burdened” with babies.
Defending repeat abortions would be a public relations nightmare for the abortion lobby, so they pretend that even they don’t support them. See why this is hypocritical…
It’s time for pro-lifers to stop being so easily manipulated. Our job is not to sit around the campfire and sing Kumbayah with people who torture and slaughter helpless children for money.
People who say this want us to think that being both pro-life & pro-choice at the same time makes them thoughtful and open minded. But this is the reality…
You’d have to be pretty naive to think that abortion advocates are a bunch of noble crusaders trying to protect the rights of women.
If a man has no say in whether or not this child is killed, how can he be held responsible for the welfare of that child?
The pro-choice side says that the law has no right to control what a woman does with her own body. But let’s follow the science…