The Dirty Little Secret in the Immigration Battle

Recently, the immigration issue has been at the forefront of U.S. politics, but neither side is talking about the cause of the problem.

Written By: Mark Crutcher
President of Life Dynamics

In recent years, the immigration issue has been at the forefront of American politics and there is no reason to believe that it is going to be resolved soon.

One feature of this battle is the claim by some that illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from American workers. Meanwhile, others argue that these immigrants are only taking low-paid jobs that no one else wants. So one side’s rhetoric revolves around deportations and border walls while the other side demands guest-worker programs and pathways to citizenship.

But despite all their grandstanding and sabre rattling, neither camp is talking about the root cause of the problem.

At its core, it is basically a mathematical issue. Right now, baby boomers are retiring at the rate of about 10,000 per day and they will continue to do so for almost 20 more years. Moreover, the money they are owed through social security is long gone. That happened because Congress has been running a classic Ponzi scheme in which they grabbed this money, left an IOU in its place, and squandered it to buy votes.

The result is that a financial tsunami is rolling toward the United States.

In the near future, younger taxpayers will be forced to send boxcars full of their money to the government in order to pay for services that were already paid for once. In short, the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the baby boomers are going to be taxed into oblivion replacing the money that was stolen by Congress.

Remember, the designers of social security based it on an assumption of a growing, or at least stable, workforce. They could not have imagined that America would one day legalize the wholesale slaughter of its own children through abortion. But on January 22, 1973, that is what happened. Since then, birth rates in the United States have often been below population replacement levels, and about one-fourth of the taxpayers needed to replace the money baby boomers paid into the system were wiped out before drawing their first breath.

The reality is, if immigration is removed from the equation, America’s population has been flat or, by some estimates, in decline. For America’s financial future, that has been a financial disaster waiting to happen – and the wait is over.

"[The designers of social security] Could not have imagined that America would one day legalize the wholesale slaughter of its own children through abortion... Since [1973], birth rates in the United States have often been below population replacement levels... The reality is, if immigration is removed from the equation, America's population has been flat or, by some estimates, in decline... That has been a financial disaster waiting to happen - and the wait is over." -Mark Crutcher

The point is, it may or may not be true that illegal immigrants are only taking jobs American workers don’t want anyway.

But there is no denying that illegal immigrants are replacing workers who were killed through legalized abortion. And there’s one last thing we need to consider. The generation of Americans that killed its own children whenever it found them inconvenient, unhealthy or expensive is on the verge of becoming inconvenient, unhealthy and expensive itself.

Think about that.

This article was originally posted on


  1. Matt C. Abbott says:

    Well said, Mark!

  2. Awesome article… so true! Thank You so much for your Pro-Life work! 45 years ago, I truly believed that the citizens of the United States would never allow abortion to be the law of the land. Never say never. Everything the Pro-Life leaders said would happen, we are now living! You would think the older pro-abortion citizens would be “cramming for finals”… you know the big one we all will face! Thank You and God Help the USA!

  3. Barbara Renner says:

    This really drives home the meaning of” what goes around comes around”! Thank you Mark for this eye opening alert that needs to be spread widely so that those who value lives besides their own will pool their resources to help alleviate the pain and deprivation that are surely ahead for us all. We have to show by both word and action that we trust the merit of Gods plan for us and that we accept all life as a Sacred gift . We can all do something loving to turn this tide of selfishness, indifference and contempt. for humanity back to respect for life from conception to natural death.

  4. Tamiko Anderson says:

    Yes. Agreed. I have said as well, which is in the book “The truth about Abortion” soon to be available. The truth that Abortion is sterilization and NOT birth control. Thus annhilates people. Civilization needs each generation to provide 2.5 children and this is just to sustain the population. Abortion sterilized the woman they will never have children, for there to be a future you need people not sterilized. Sad. Many countries around the world have also experienced this same tsunami, because of Abortion, for example Japan is said will have only a population of about 200 people by the year 2025. Japan is a culture on an island that does not welcome outsiders. Sad. Sad.

  5. Many years ago, a young man wrote an article about the killing of the unborn having a profound effect upon our schools, families, teachers, plumbers, restaurant workers, field workers, and anyone else not with us because of the travesty done by 7 Supremes January 22, 1973. Now, 60,000,000 plus murders later, America is seeing the toll of that ruling. The mindset of people over the years is appalling– accepting the killing of the unborn, partially born, and now physician-assisted suicide, and more to come. God is still in control, and His little ones are in Heaven and will be sitting beside Him come Judgment Day.

  6. Mary Handley says:

    Now us oldsters (65 plus) must worry when we become inconvenient or too expensive and face our own style of abortion (euthanasia, doctor assisted suicide or just a little hastening by the Hospice doc. What goes around, comes around!

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