The Force Form

Are you or someone you know being forced to have an abortion?

You can help a woman who is being forced to have an abortion with the Life Dynamics Force Form. This FREE form, when used correctly, legally documents that any abortion done on the client, regardless of what she says at the clinic, would be against her will. Clinics know that if they receive this signed document and decide to do an abortion anyway, they could be faced with civil suits – and sometimes criminal charges. This form makes a pregnant woman almost “radioactive” to clinics in the area.

Download The Form

This form provided courtesy of:

Life Dynamics Incorporated

Denton, Texas – (940)380-8800

Terms Of Use:

Life Dynamics Incorporated is the legal copyright holder for this document and grants permission for it to be downloaded and used by pro-life pregnancy counseling centers. Those who print this document are agreeing to the following conditions:

  • The form will not be given to the client for her to fill out but will, instead, be filled out by a counselor at the center. The client will be given a copy of the completed document after she has signed it.
  • The counselor agrees to immediately begin making the notifications called for in the document.
Force Form