Touching Vid: Patrick Speaks reminds us that every life has value

An amazing mini documentary which recently aired on UK Channel 4’s Unreported World shows a whole new world opening up to a deaf boy who never learned sign language. Reporter, Kiki King, and Director, Daniel Bogado, visited Uganda where the work of inspirational sign language teachers is transforming the lives of profoundly deaf children and…

An amazing mini documentary which recently aired on UK Channel 4’s Unreported World shows a whole new world opening up to a deaf boy who never learned sign language.

Patrick Sign Language

Reporter, Kiki King, and Director, Daniel Bogado, visited Uganda where the work of inspirational sign language teachers is transforming the lives of profoundly deaf children and adults across the country who have never been able to communicate – until now.

In a world which views children with disabilities in the womb as having less value than those who don’t, even to the point that many are snuffed out through abortion, this story reminds each of us of the beauty of life.

Get ready…it will warm your heart.

15-year-old Patrick Otema was born profoundly deaf in the remote area of Uganda where he lives. Until now, there were no schools for deaf children in his village and before this he never had a conversation.

Raymond Okkelo, a sign language teacher, is changing all this and has offered Patrick a way out of the fearful silence he has known his whole life.

Patrick Sign Language 2

Presenting: Patrick Speaks.

Grab the Kleenex and please share:

This video supports a 30 minute documentary which aired on UK Channel 4’s Unreported World.


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