Parents outraged over sex toy selfie assignment at high school

Parents in California are upset that a high school teacher gave students the assignment of getting a selfie with one of their parents sex toys or condoms. Parents of students at Encinal High School in Alameda want a teacher fired after they say he sent them home with an extra credit assignment of finding sex…

Parents in California are upset that a high school teacher gave students the assignment of getting a selfie with one of their parents sex toys or condoms.

Parents of students at Encinal High School in Alameda want a teacher fired after they say he sent them home with an extra credit assignment of finding sex toys and condoms in their parents’ private drawers, and taking a selfie with what they find.

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Alameda Unified School District officials said that the teacher has since been removed from the school for the rest of the year.

Teacher School sex toy selfie teacher

CBS San Francisco is reporting the following:

      Encinal High School math teacher Wing-Wah Leung allegedly issued the assignment as extra credit.

“It was to go into your parents’ private drawers or whatever to seek out sexual toys or condoms, or anything of that nature and to take a selfie with it

    ,” parent Kimberly Cobene said.

He claims it was a joke.

This comes as a Minneapolis teacher came under fire for taking a group of middle- and high-school-aged students on a field trip to an adult novelty store.

According to a local ABC affiliate:

Sex Shop Smitten Kitten

      Starri Hedges, director of Gaia Democratic School, reportedly took a group of about a dozen students, at least one as young as 11 years old, to the Smitten Kitten, a local adult novelty store, as part of the school’s sexual education program.

Several parents were outraged.

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