NY Abortion clinics like something out of a back alley, say ads published by pro-life group
Filthy, dirty, like something out of a back alley, so say women’s reviews of abortion clinics in three ads published by a pro-life group in New York. In 2012, 37% of all viable pregnancies in New York City ended in abortion. This is nearly twice the national average. According to the Chiaroscuro Group, only 17…
Filthy, dirty, like something out of a back alley, so say women’s reviews of abortion clinics in three ads published by a pro-life group in New York.
In 2012, 37% of all viable pregnancies in New York City ended in abortion.
This is nearly twice the national average.
According to the Chiaroscuro Group, only 17 of New York’s regulated abortion clinics have been inspected by the Department of Health between 2000 and 2012.
Five of those clinics only received one inspection in 12 years!
Chiaroscuro Group has published three ads they say will expose the need for abortion clinic inspections in the state.
“Don’t go! Trust me,” one ad says
Like something out of a back ally avoid at all costs. New York inspects tanning and nail salons but not women’s clinics? Teenagers go there without their parents knowing,” the ad continues.
The group points out that the State of New York inspects just about everything, pizzerias, nail and tanning salons but for more than a dozen years it’s failed to inspect abortion clinics.
In the ads the group reads actual reviews of women who used New York abortion clinics.
What the women said about their experiences is horrific:
The waiting room is dirty
It spells of dried urine
My worst experience ever
Filthy medical equipment, looks like it’s from the 70’s
A dirty, poorly operated clinic with zero care for the patients
She balanced her tool tray on the garbage can
Like something out of a back alley
Don’t go there
Like it hadn’t been cleaned in days
Avoid at all costs
It will cost you – your health
Poorly operated
One of the worst experiences I’ve ever had
The ads have gotten the attention of the New York Post, which published a story this weekend.
According to the NY Post report a majority of New York abortion clinics have never been inspected:
The Post reported last year that eight of New York’s 25 abortion clinics had not been inspected at all between 2000 and 2012, and five others were inspected only once in a dozen years.
The Health Department released that data — without identifying the names of the clinics — in response to a lawsuit filed by Chiaroscuro.
Following the outcry over the lack of inspections, the Health Department said last year it would re-inspect all 25 diagnostic and treatment facilities.
Chiaroscuro is now battling the Cuomo administration to obtain records on abortion-clinic inspections conducted by the Health Department last year and in 2013.
Chiaroscuro Group is encouraging those outraged by the condition of New York abortion clinics to support a bill introduced in the state by New York Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis
The bill would require regular inspections by the Department Of Health of the abortion clinics over which it has jurisdiction.
To listen to the ads and get more information go here.
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