Racial Targeting and Population Control


The Charts

The first chart identifies the locations of Planned Parenthood population control facilities. Even though Planned Parenthood operates the largest chain of abortion clinics in the United States, it is not the case that every facility included here does abortions. However, among those that do not, every one refers for abortion, schedules abortions, or otherwise arranges abortions. In addition, each facility provides contraceptive drugs and/or devices.

As stated earlier, the second chart is for independent abortion clinics that are not affiliated with Planned Parenthood. In both charts, every state’s name is followed by their overall percentage of black and Hispanic populations. The “ZIP” column contains the ZIP codes in which population control facilities are located in that state. If a ZIP code is listed multiple times, it means there were that many facilities in that ZIP code.

The “BLACK” column gives the percentage of African-Americans who live in this ZIP code and the “COMP” column compares this percentage against the state’s overall percentage of African-Americans. When the “COMP” column is blank, it means that this ZIP code did not exceed the state’s percentage of black population. The last two columns provide the same data for the Hispanic population.

As an example of how these charts work, the state of Florida shows to have a black population of 14.6%. In that state, Planned Parenthood has a facility in ZIP code 33617 which has a black population of 27.4%. This means that this facility is located in a ZIP code with an African-American population that is 187.6% that of the state.

In reviewing this data, there are several things to keep in mind.

The first is that the issue is not whether a ZIP code is predominately black or Hispanic but whether it is disproportionately black or Hispanic. Second, any infrequent or small gaps between the percentage of minorities in a ZIP code and the percentage of minorities in the corresponding state can be dismissed as “statistically meaningless.”

But when those gaps are common enough or large enough that they cannot be rationally attributed to random chance, they constitute a pattern that could have only been created by design and intention.

The question then becomes: at what point does a gap stop being insignificant and start being significant? Given the subjective nature of that question, the deciding principle has to be common sense. If a ZIP code’s percentage of black or Hispanic population is 102% of the state’s percentage, no reasonable person would consider that an indicator of racial targeting.

However, when a state has multiple population control facilities in ZIP codes with minority populations that exceed 125% of the state’s overall minority population, common sense says that racial targeting is the plausible explanation.

As the charts in this report will show, such a pattern is readily identifiable in the locations of America’s family planning and population control facilities. It should also be pointed out that these patterns are routinely considered indicative of racial targeting when it comes to other issues.

For example, African-Americans suffer far more of the health problems associated with tobacco use than does the white population. Civil rights leaders have long contended that this is a direct result of the fact that large tobacco companies target a disproportionate percentage of their advertising and promotional efforts on the black community. In just one of many examples of this, research conducted relative to a lawsuit in Baltimore, Maryland, documented that 76% of the billboards in black neighborhoods featured tobacco advertising while that number was only 20% in white neighborhoods.

A parallel situation has also been identified with alcohol. The catastrophic social and health problems associated with alcoholism are found in the black community to a much higher extent than they are in the white community. And again, black leaders have spent years pointing out that a primary cause of this is the fact that liquor merchandisers place a disproportionate percentage of their retail outlets in black neighborhoods. The visual evidence of this can be seen, first hand, by driving through predominately minority neighborhoods in almost any decent-sized city in America.

It is also claimed that the alcohol content of some beverages marketed in these areas is measurably higher than the alcohol content of similar products sold elsewhere, and that certain cheap high-alcohol-content products are sold only in liquor stores and convenience stores in black neighborhoods.

There are many other examples of this sort of racial targeting. Moreover, the disastrous effects it has had on the targeted communities are easy to see.

The encouraging thing is that, in recent years, some of the corporations responsible for this have been dragged into the public spotlight by the news media. A few have even found themselves in lawsuits and Congressional hearings.

The glaring exception is America’s family planning industry. Despite having more potential to destroy the minority community than these corporations, they have been left free to push their eugenics agenda without scrutiny.

As the following charts show, when it comes to racial targeting, these people are not amateurs.


NOTE: In this chart as well as the one that follows, some ZIP codes show a percentage of minorities that exceeds 100%. This occurred because a small number of Hispanics identify themselves as both black and Hispanic and are, therefore, counted twice by the Census Bureau. This phenomenon is rare and was identified in fewer than 10 of the ZIP codes included in this study.


Black Population 26.0%
Hispanic Population 1.7%

3520540.0 %153.8 %2.6 %152.9 %
3660928.4 %109.2 %2.1 %123.5 %


Black Population 3.5%
Hispanic Population 4.1%

995089.0 %257.1 %7.6 %185.3 %
996690.3 %2.2 %
997017.8 %222.8 %4.4 %107.3 %
998010.8 %3.4 %
998350.3 %3.3 %


Black Population 15.7%
Hispanic Population 3.2%

7220469.1 %440.1 %3.1 %
727034.1 %4.1 %128.1 %


Black Population 6.7%
Hispanic Population 32.4%

9000332.2 %480.5 %66.4 %204.9 %
9000712.8 %191.0 %58.2 %179.6 %
9001647.9 %714.9 %44.2 %136.4 %
900220.5 %96.3 %297.2 %
900292.8 %61.0 %188.2 %
900331.5 %92.3 %284.8 %
900331.5 %92.3 %284.8 %
900412.3 %38.6 %119.1 %
9026011.5 %171.6 %50.0 %154.3 %
904014.2 %12.3 %
906021.3 %68.4 %211.1 %
907133.1 %17.3 %
9080620.5 %305.9 %43.3 %133.9 %
9110414.4 %214.9 %36.9 %113.8 %
913034.0 %59.4 %183.3 %
913201.2 %13.8 %
914056.0 %58.8 %181.4 %
915061.7 %23.9 %
917320.8 %71.5 %220.6 %
9176714.0 %208.9 %58.5 %180.5 %
917868.8 %131.3 %33.2 %102.4 %
918011.7 %33.1 %102.1 %
919114.5 %60.4 %186.4 %
920080.9 %17.9 %
920213.8 %17.9 %
920252.1 %48.5 %149.6 %
9210110.3 %153.7 %22.2 %
9210515.1 %225.3 %48.4 %149.3 %
921085.5 %13.0 %
921091.4 %10.6 %
921091.4 %10.6 %
921115.4 %22.1 %
9211429.0 %432.8 %30.0 %
9211510.9 %162.6 %24.4 %
921265.3 %11.1 %
922360.4 %97.2 %300.0 %
922700.8 %9.4 %
9240814.4 %214.9 %44.5 %137.3 %
925065.6 %19.1 %
9255320.6 %307.4 %45.3 %139.8 %
926271.1 %41.2 %127.1 %
926831.0 %21.6 %
926911.1 %13.7 %
927051.5 %33.8 %104.3 %
928051.7 %74.0 %228.3 %
928661.8 %33.0 %101.8 %
930031.5 %19.9 %
931011.9 %48.1 %148.4 %
9330111.3 %168.6 %31.8 %
934011.3 %11.3 %
934542.2 %40.9 %126.2 %
936372.8 %53.4 %164.8 %
937106.3 %24.4 %
937284.5 %48.9 %150.9 %
939016.8 %101.4 %40.6 %125.3 %
939271.1 %84.5 %260.8 %
9395515.1 %225.3 %35.0 %108.0 %
940402.0 %17.2 %
940862.6 %20.5 %
941104.2 %46.1 %142.2 %
945099.7 %144.7 %22.1 %
945204.5 %39.8 %122.8 %
945308.4 %125.3 %7.9 %
9453316.0 %238.8 %20.3 %
945590.6 %31.5 %
9456517.1 %255.2 %33.9 %104.6 %
945831.9 %7.2 %
9459025.3 %377.6 %22.1 %
945961.4 %7.7 %
9480444.6 %665.6 %22.6 %
9480623.2 %346.2 %35.5 %109.5 %
949411.1 %3.7 %
950201.6 %51.1 %157.7 %
950231.1 %49.5 %152.7 %
950601.6 %17.9 %
950760.7 %63.8 %196.9 %
951215.0 %30.5 %
951234.1 %20.5 %
951264.7 %37.1 %114.5 %
951273.6 %53.6 %165.4 %
952058.7 %129.8 %58.0 %179.0 %
9520710.1 %150.7 %23.8 %
953362.3 %23.9 %
953486.8 %101.4 %35.6 %109.8 %
953503.6 %19.8 %
953766.6 %27.0 %
954051.2 %8.8 %
954225.1 %11.0 %
955030.9 %5.4 %
9566012.1 %180.5 %16.7 %
956611.3 %7.9 %
9568712.3 %183.5 %16.4 %
956951.2 %35.5 %109.5 %
9581413.6 %202.9 %19.7 %
958164.9 %14.1 %
9582011.9 %177.6 %35.8 %110.4 %
959731.0 %10.6 %
959912.6 %26.0 %
960021.0 %5.7 %
960930.2 %4.3 %
961450.4 %3.1 %


Black Population 3.1%
Hispanic Population 25.3%

850314.9 %158.0 %62.8 %248.2 %
850321.7 %19.1 %
852042.4 %30.0 %118.5 %
852243.5 %112.9 %15.1 %
852511.6 %13.5 %
852813.0 %25.2 %
853042.8 %12.1 %
853383.5 %112.9 %19.8 %
853642.7 %55.1 %217.7 %
857053.5 %112.9 %32.4 %128.0 %
857124.0 %129.0 %19.3 %
857136.2 %200.0 %62.1 %254.4 %
860011.7 %12.2 %
863050.3 %5.3 %


Black Population 3.8%
Hispanic Population 17.1%

800031.0 %15.0 %
8001219.0 %500.0 %16.9 %
801291.2 %8.4 %
801340.9 %4.8 %
8020756.3 %1481.5 %15.4 %
802186.6 %173.6 %11.4 %
802249.5 %250.0 %10.5 %
802320.9 %15.6 %
803021.1 %4.7 %
804461.3 %3.8 %
805010.5 %22.7 %132.7 %
805211.3 %10.8 %
806340.7 %15.8 %
804770.1 %3.1 %
809072.3 %11.3 %
809175.3 %139.4 %8.8 %
810081.4 %30.5 %178.3 %
810501.1 %36.5 %213.4 %
811011.0 %43.0 %251.4 %
812010.1 %8.6 %
81303 *
813210.2 %11.3 %
816010.2 %15.2 %

* Statistics for this ZIP code were not available.


Black Population 9.1%
Hispanic Population 9.4%

060408.4 %6.5 %
060526.6 %14.1 %150.0 %
060825.6 %3.7 %
0611010.1 %110.9 %13.4 %142.5 %
0611286.6 %951.6 %9.3 %
062266.1 %32.3 %343.6 %
062391.6 %2.6 %
0632018.6 %204.3 %19.7 %209.5 %
063606.3 %5.5 %
064516.0 %22.1 %235.1 %
064751.0 %1.9 %
064841.1 %3.5 %
0651146.1 %506.5 %11.2 %119.1 %
0660426.7 %293.4 %32.4 %344.6 %
067087.7 %12.0 %127.6 %
0679022.1 %242.8 %3.3 %
068107.0 %21.1 %224.4 %
0690223.6 %259.3 %25.1 %267.0 %


Black Population 19.2%
Hispanic Population 4.8%

197115.6 %4.4 %
1980182.9 %431.7 %6.7 %139.5 %
1990128.5 %148.4 %4.4 %
199715.9 %2.2 %


Black Population 14.6%
Hispanic Population 16.8%

3220720.9 %143.2 %4.7 %
322504.4 %2.9 %
3230436.5 %250.0 %6.0 %
3260123.5 %160.9 %6.7 %
3280578.8 %539.7 %5.0 %
328175.0 %20.3 %120.8 %
329605.4 %6.2 %
330249.8 %30.8 %183.3 %
331451.6 %84.9 %505.3 %
3316156.3 %385.6 %21.3 %126.7 %
3317617.9 %122.6 %40.1 %238.6 %
3340922.1 %151.3 %17.1 %101.7 %
334341.2 %5.1 %
334639.3 %22.2 %132.1%
3361727.4 %187.6 %13.9 %
337022.8 %5.0 %
338035.0 %7.0 %
3388126.9 %184.2 %4.2 %
339191.4 %4.0 %
341030.7 %7.8 %
3414218.3 %125.3 %67.4 %401.1 %
342038.9 %12.5 %
3423610.5 %15.1 %
3499412.3 %6.4 %


Black Population 28.7%
Hispanic Population 5.3%

3004310.3 %5.4 %101.8 %
300628.0 %4.5 %
3030376.3 %265.8 %5.1 %
3090186.8 %302.4 %1.1 %
3140549.4 %172.1 %2.4 %


Black Population 1.8%
Hispanic Population 7.2%

967320.2 %8.2 %113.8 %
967400.4 %7.8 %108.3 %
968141.3 %3.7 %


Black Population 0.4%
Hispanic Population 7.9%

833010.2 %8.5 %107.5 %
837030.5 %125.0 %4.2 %


Black Population 15.1%
Hispanic Population 12.3%

604620.6 %4.0 %
605047.5 %7.4 %
606032.1 %7.4 %
6061027.1 %179.4 %3.9 %
6062210.9 %45.2 %367.4 %
6062894.8 %627.8 %3.1 %
6063697.8 %647.6 %1.2 %
6065170.6 %467.5 %26.8 %217.8 %
6066017.8 %117.8 %20.8 %169.1 %
613501.1 %4.5 %
615542.0 %1.2 %
6160332.1 %212.5 %4.9 %
6170110.0 %3.7 %
6182016.1 %106.6 %5.5 %
6222614.5 %1.5 %
624010.3 %1.0 %
6252615.3 %101.3 %1.3 %
6270332.8 %217.2 %1.2 %


Black Population 2.1%
Hispanic Population 2.8%

500142.5 %119.0 %2.1 %
500230.8 %1.1 %
501380.9 %0.8 %
502081.3 %1.3 %
503119.3 %442.8 %6.1 %217.8 %
503153.0 %142.8 %6.4 %228.5 %
503153.0 %142.8 %6.4 %228.5 %
503221.7 %1.8 %
505014.4 %209.5 %2.9 %103.5 %
505880.4 %18.3 %653.5 %
506131.5 %1.0 %
508010.3 %1.1 %
511060.9 %4.9 %175.0 %
513010.2 %1.3 %
515011.3 %5.6 %200.0 %
515660.1 %1.8 %
520011.4 %1.9 %
522464.7 %223.8 %2.9 %103.5 %
523530.5 %3.9 %139.2 %
524022.9 %138.0 %1.7 %
526014.5 %214.2 %1.9 %
526274.0 %190.4 %4.8 %171.4 %
526323.4 %161.9 %1.0 %
526412.3 %109.5 %1.5 %
527221.5 %2.4 %


Black Population 8.4%
Hispanic Population 3.5%

461230.4 %1.4 %
4620868.1 %810.7 %1.0 %
462272.5 %3.3 %
4622919.8 %235.7 %2.8 %
462507.5 %3.4 %
4626827.9 %332.1 %4.0 %114.2 %
4631236.1 %429.7 %51.6 %1474.2 %
463249.3 %110.7 %17.0 %485.7 %
4636019.3 %229.7 %2.7 %
463831.2 %3.1 %
4640855.5 %660.7 %7.4 %211.4 %
4641025.1 %298.8 %9.4 %268.5 %
4651615.9 %189.2 %14.1 %402.8 %
465454.8 %3.2 %
465801.1 %7.3 %208.5 %
468042.5 %2.4 %
471506.5 %1.3 %
471700.1 %0.8 %
472032.0 %1.6 %
472501.7 %1.1 %
472740.8 %3.6 %102.8 %
473043.9 %1.3 %
473747.2 %1.7 %
474033.3 %1.4 %
474210.5 %1.1 %
477112.5 %0.9 %
4780716.0 %190.4 %1.6 %
479052.2 %6.4 %182.8 %


Black Population 5.7%
Hispanic Population 7.0%

662111.5 %1.2 %
6721455.4 %971.9 %18.8 %268.5 %
676010.8 %2.6 %


Black Population 7.3%
Hispanic Population 1.5%

4020362.1 %850.6 %1.5 %
404755.4 %1.0 %
4050831.7 %434.2 %3.8 %253.3 %


Black Population 32.5%
Hispanic Population 2.4%

7011551.0 %156.9 %3.2 %133.3 %
7080645.1 %138.7 %1.4 %


Black Population 0.5%
Hispanic Population 0.7%

040050.6 %120.0 %0.6 %
040730.5 %1.1 %157.1 %
040861.3 %260.0 %1.2 %171.4 %
041014.6 %920.0 %2.8 %400.0 %


Black Population 27.9%
Hispanic Population 4.3%

2060230.8 %110.3 %2.7 %
2087917.2 %13.1 %304.6 %
2091031.6 %113.2 %13.5 %131.9 %
2111724.9 %3.0 %
2120161.7 %221.1 %1.9 %
2123417.0 %1.5 %
2140118.2 %3.0 %
2160117.9 %2.5 %
2170210.2 %5.1 %118.6 %
2180135.4 %126.8 %2.7 %


Black Population 5.4%
Hispanic Population 6.8%

011078.1 %150.0 %75.9 %1116.1 %
014203.6 %15.0 %220.5 %
016096.3 %116.6 %15.5 %227.9 %
017522.2 %6.1 %
017571.3 %4.4 %
021444.8 %3.7 %
022153.7 %7.2 %105.8 %


Black Population 14.2%
Hispanic Population 3.3%

480931.5 %1.0 %
481037.3 %2.5 %
481045.2 %3.6 %109.0 %
481140.4 %1.0 %
481500.7 %1.9 %
4819829.5 %207.7 %2.5 %
4820175.1 %528.8 %1.9 %
485092.9 %2.3 %
4853218.4 %129.5 %2.1 %
486047.2 %7.8 %236.3 %
488236.0 %3.0 %
4884613.7 %4.1 %124.2 %
488670.2 %2.3 %
4891213.3 %10.7 %324.2 %
4900613.5 %2.6 %
490157.4 %4.1 %124.2 %
4902257.1 %402.1 %2.6 %
490364.5 %2.9 %
490910.9 %8.6 %260.6 %
490937.0 %2.2 %
492026.3 %3.1 %
493076.5 %1.5 %
4944222.9 %161.2 %5.5 %166.6 %
4950322.2 %156.3 %15.3 %463.6 %
49519 *
496860.3 %1.6 %
497700.2 %1.0 %
498552.4 %0.7 %

* Statistics for this ZIP code were not available.