#551 – Planned Parenthood in Salt Lake City, UT

Listen to the Call:

654 S. 900 E.
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84102-3430

TAPE – 551

(dialing sounds) (ringing 1X)

RECORDING: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood. The clinic will be open on Monday February 18, President’s Day, from 9:00 until 1:00. If this is a medical emergency, please call 911. (Spanish interpretation) For information in English, please press 4. (dial sound) Thank you. One moment, please. The requested extension is unavailable. For information in English, please press 4. (dial sound) Planned Parenthood is located at 654 South and 900 East. You do not need an appointment for emergency contraception or the morning after pills, pregnancy tests, and HIV tests. If you would like to make an appointment, please press zero. (dial sound) Please hold for the operator.

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood.

CALLER: Hi. I was wondering, do you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: We actually don’t, but I can give you the numbers of clinics that do.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: You have a pen?


CLINIC: The Utah Women’s Clinic is 531-9192. And the Mountain View Women’s Center, 272-5289. And Wasach (sp) is 263-2111.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know, like my friend told me that since like I’m going to be 14 in March that they would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: You know what? I’m not exactly sure of the laws on that, so I wouldn’t want to give you the wrong information. But I think that you do have to have parental consent at your age. I would call each clinic and see what the laws are on that. Don’t trust me for that answer. They do the abortions there, and so they’ll know for sure. Okay?

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know — like I’m just really concerned about all this because I haven’t had my period since like December 21st, and I don’t know what to do.

CLINIC: Right.

CALLER: But could I come in there for a pregnancy test to see?

CLINIC: Yeah, you can. And also the Utah Women’s Clinic, the first number I gave you —


CLINIC: — well, each of these clinics will obviously do a pregnancy test. But I know for a fact that the Utah Women’s Clinic does free testing.

CALLER: Oh. Well, my friend said to come to you guys, so.

CLINIC: Yeah, you can do either one.

CALLER: And my boyfriend said he would pay for everything, so.

CLINIC: For the pregnancy test here it’s $10 if you want to come to us, and you can do that before 7:00 p.m. tonight.



CALLER: But like the thing is, me and my boyfriend were talking about all this, and we don’t want anyone to know about us. If he was paying for it would he have to sign anything?

CLINIC: No. If you come in and do the pregnancy test with us, we don’t have to report necessarily.

CALLER: Report?

CLINIC: You can come in — report.

CALLER: What do you mean report?

CLINIC: When I mean report I mean you don’t have to have parental consent to come in here and get a pregnancy test.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: So bring your boyfriend in, come and get it, $10, and we don’t tell anybody. The abortion might be a different story. You’d have to check with their clinics.

CALLER: Well, so, if I wasn’t pregnant could I get birth control there?

CLINIC: Yeah, and that would be a separate appointment that we would have to make for that.

CALLER: Well, how long would it take to get birth control?

CLINIC: Depending on where our book is right now it would probably be a couple days out.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: Well, would you have to tell anybody if I was on birth control though?

CLINIC: Well, that’s actually kind of different than a pregnancy test. If the clinician — the clinician will be taking you back and talking with you about your situation. If she feels there’s something going on that doesn’t sound right to her, then she does need to report.

CALLER: Like what?

CLINIC: Like someone being a lot older than you that you’re having intercourse with. I’m not the one to make that call. The clinician would. So it’s just up to each clinician.

CALLER: Well, is it bad if like my boyfriend’s 22?

CLINIC: Actually, that might be one the case where she might want to call, because that’s quite a bit older than — you know, as far as the state’s concerned. I’m not saying that you’re in a wrong situation. But that might be kind of a difference in age that they would be concerned about.

CALLER: Well, who would she have to report it to if she was —

CLINIC: It’s the Child Protective Services.

CALLER: Well, would my boyfriend get in trouble?

CLINIC: These are all questions you’d have to ask the clinician, and she’d be talking to you about it. It wouldn’t be out of your hands completely. But it is something to keep in mind if you come in to us for an appointment. We try and keep things confidential, but if it’s something the clinician feels a bad feeling about then she might want to — she might call and report it.

CALLER: So I shouldn’t tell her anything?

CLINIC: Well, that is true. You could, you could do that if you wanted to.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: So, you could change his age or something if you feel that you need to.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Don’t tell anyone I said that. (laughs)

CALLER: All right.


CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Come in for the pregnancy test, and if it’s negative we can make an appointment for the birth control.



CALLER: Well, you’ve been a lot of help. If I had any other questions could I call and talk to you? What was your name?

CLINIC: My name’s Audrey (Aubrey?).



CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: Um-hum.


(phone clicks)


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#669 – Utah Women’s Clinic in Salt Lake City, UT

Listen to the Call:

515 S. 400 E.

TAPE – 669

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Utah Women’s Clinic.

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how much does that cost?

CLINIC: If you are under 12 weeks it’s 450.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how do you know how many weeks you are?

CLINIC: We start counting from the first day of your last menstrual period.

CALLER: Oh. Well, that was like January 3rd.

CLINIC: January 3rd?

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: Yeah, you’re under 12 weeks.

CALLER: Okay. The thing is, I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend said you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever it is, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: How old you are? I’m sorry.

CALLER: I’m 13. I’ll be 14 on the 20th.

CLINIC: We need to have one of your parents here.

CALLER: Oh, really?


CALLER: Is there any way not to have my parents there? I mean, I can’t tell them at all.

CLINIC: No. But if you want I can give you the phone number in other state. You can talk to them about it.

CALLER: In another state?

CLINIC: Yeah, because here in Utah you need to bring one of your parents with you. That’s a problem. So you want it?

CALLER: Yes, please.

CLINIC: Okay. Dr. (unclear) Ambrino (ph). The phone number is 1-775-827-0616. Let me give you in Colorado. It’s 1-800-535-1287.


CLINIC: Alright?

CALLER: Could I come in there for a pregnancy test though?

CLINIC: Yeah, you can come to the clinic.

CALLER: Oh. Well, would you have to tell anybody then?

CLINIC: No, not for a pregnancy test.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well it’s just the thing is, me and my boyfriend were talking about all this, and he said that he would pay for everything, but we don’t want anybody to know about us. Would he have to sign anything if he was paying for the pregnancy test?

CLINIC: The pregnancy test is free.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: The abortion is the one you have to have one of the parents with you.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Alright?

CALLER: Well, if it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control there too?

CLINIC: Yeah, we can do that.

CALLER: Would you have to tell anybody about birth control though?


CALLER: Oh, okay. So would it be alright like — It’s just I can’t drive. Would my boyfriend be able to pick up the pills if I had birth control?

CLINIC: No, you need to come and see the doctor.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Yeah, we make appointment to see the doctor. Probably they’ll be free for you, but you need to see the doctor.


CLINIC: Alright?

CALLER: All right. Well, I need to talk to my boyfriend and see if he had any questions. If I had any other questions, could I call and ask —

CLINIC: Just call me back, all right?

CALLER: What was your name?

CLINIC: Mariam (ph).


CLINIC: All right. Thank you. Bye bye.

CALLER: Thanks.


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#552 – Planned Parenthood in West Valley, UT

Listen to the Call:

2107 E. 3500 S.
WEST VALLEY, UT 84119-3441

TAPE – 552

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

RECORDING: Thank you for calling West Valley Planned Parenthood. On President’s Day our clinic will be open between the hours of 8:00 to 12:00 with limited services. These services are morning after pills, pregnancy tests, depo and Lunell (sp) shots, and (unclear). As you know, the Olympics are here. Our clinic hours during the Olympics are Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday between the hours of 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. — during the Olympics only. Thank you.

Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood. For information in English please press 5. For information in Español —
(dial sound) Planned Parenthood West Valley is located at 2107 West 3500 South. You do not need appointments for emergency contraception or the morning after pill, pregnancy tests or HIV tests. If you would like to make an appointment, please press zero. (dial sound) Please hold for the operator.

CLINIC: Hello. West Valley.

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering, do you guys do abortions there?



CLINIC: Uh-uh. No.

CALLER: Well, do you know of any place that does?

CLINIC: You have to call 521-9192.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, do you know — like I’m just worried because my friend told me that since like I’m going to be 14 in March that they would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever it is and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody anything?

CLINIC: Nope. That’s not going to work. And actually your boyfriend could get in a lot of problems because you’re not 14 yet.

CALLER: Well, what kind of trouble? What do you mean?

CLINIC: With — let me tell you before you call them, okay? Because I know all the laws and then I’m going to help you, okay?


CLINIC: Your boyfriend could get in a lot of problems because you are under 14. If you go in and get an abortion you’re only 13, your boyfriend could get into — does your parents know that you’re dating somebody that old?

CALLER: Well, yeah, but they don’t know we’re having sex. That’s why they can’t find out. I mean, if they found out we were having sex, I don’t know what they would do.

CLINIC: They could press charges and put him in prison.

CALLER: Well, he would go to jail?


CALLER: He would go to jail?


CALLER: They would send him to jail?

CLINIC: It could happen. You’re only 13, and you’re pregnant, and your boyfriend is more than 21 — what 23?

CALLER: He’s 22.

CLINIC: Uh-huh. It could happen.

CALLER: Well, he can’t go to jail. I mean, he’s going to take care of me for the rest of my life. He can’t —

CLINIC: I’m just telling you what I know. I’m not telling you that’s going to happen or not. That’s going to depend on your parents. You’re only, you’re under 13.

CALLER: Well, what can I do?

CLINIC: I don’t know.


CLINIC: I don’t know because I mean, either way you go to — either way you’re going to — because you’re only 13. That’s the whole case.


CLINIC: Okay? If you were — I think, I’m not sure what the laws — I know that if you’re a minor, if you’re under 18, one of your parents have to sign for you to get an abortion in the state of Utah, but it has to be with your parents.



CALLER: All right. Well, I’m not really sure if I’m pregnant actually. I just haven’t had my period since like December 21st, and I’m scared.

CLINIC: Uh-huh.

CALLER: Well, is there any —

CLINIC: The whole thing is that you are 13.


CLINIC: So that’s a big deal.

CALLER: Could I come in there for a pregnancy test to see if I was pregnant?

CLINIC: Yeah, but can you hold on? Let me find out something. If you come in here and do a pregnancy test because you’re under 13 we might have to kind of —

CALLER: Well, I’m 13 right now. I’m not under 13.

CLINIC: Right. Do you want to hold on for a second and let me find out?


CLINIC: Okay. Hold on.


CLINIC: Hello?


CLINIC: Okay. Yeah. We would have to do the same thing. The only reason because you are 13.

CALLER: Oh, for like a pregnancy test I would have to tell my parents?

CLINIC: No, you wouldn’t have to tell your parents. What we do, we call the DFD.

CALLER: What is that?

CLINIC: That is — I think DFC or — it’s where child protective service. That’s DFS I think it is — child protective service. And what they do, they find out things like your boyfriend, this and that, and all the other things.



CALLER: Well, so I couldn’t go in there for a pregnancy test without my boyfriend getting in trouble?

CLINIC: You don’t have to — we wouldn’t ask you how old you are.


CLINIC: You’re going to have to fill out a form where you put your date of birth. (talking low) Whatever you put in there is confidential. We don’t ask you.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: If you want, that’s up to you, you know, you have to be older than 14. So we don’t have to tell nobody.


CLINIC: Okay? But you could come in and do a pregnancy test.

CALLER: Okay. Just don’t tell you guys that I’m 14?

CLINIC: I don’t know.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control there?

CLINIC: But when is your birthday?

CALLER: March 19.


CALLER: March 19, 1988.

CLINIC: Okay. So you’re only about — if you want — yeah. If you are older than 13 like I said, we could give you birth control.

CALLER: Oh, okay. And you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: Not if you’re older than 14.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: And don’t say nothing about how old your boyfriend is (speaking low).



CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: So I’m just telling you so you know. But if you are 13 at this time, you might want to wait. If you’re not pregnant you might want to wait until you’re 14. Or if you could come in tomorrow if you want.

CALLER: Okay. Well, you’ve been a lot of help. Thanks. Well, if I thought of any other questions could I call and ask you? What’s your name?


CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: I’m leaving in a few minutes, but tomorrow I’ll be here between 9:00 and 11:00.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: All right. Thanks.

CLINIC: Okay. Good bye.


(phone clicks)


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