Interested in putting the audio from “The No-Nonsense Pro-Lifer” on the radio or in a podcast?

The video of our No-Nonsense Pro-Lifer series was written so that the audio stands alone and doesn’t require the video. And with each episode lasting only 30 to 60 seconds, this makes them perfect for radio and podcasts. So we decided to provide the audio for every No-Nonsense Pro-Live video, including those yet to be released, for free to those who wish to broadcast it unedited on their radio station or podcast. Those wishing to get written copyright permission from Life Dynamics can reach us at or by calling (940)380-8800, Monday – Friday 8 AM to 5 PM (CST).

NOTE: Included in the file is a PDF index of audio files and a PDF document containing the script for each audio file so files can easily be picked by subject.

Non-Nonsense Pro-Lifer Audio Release


Please include station number. If unsure yet, just type “unknown.”
Email of the person in charge of this project.
Organization / Group Address (If Applicable)
Organization / Group Address (If Applicable)
Street Address
Apt, Ste, etc.

Radio Station

Please include station number and name.
Number to reach you at should Life Dynamics need to contact you.
Station Address
Station Address

Radio Show Information

Please include station number and name.
Provide a valid email address to reach you personally.
Number to reach you at should Life Dynamics need to contact you.

Podcast Information

Where Is Your Podcast Avaliable To Listen?
Select the platform(s) your podcast is available on.
Provide a valid email address to reach you personally.
Number to reach you at should Life Dynamics need to contact you.

I hereby agree to broadcast this audio unedited and in its original form. I agree to only use this audio to broadcast in its original form and to not create derivative works.
