Christian professor, “I am pro-life and pro-choice” on abortion

A professor at a Wesleyan University says he is conflicted over abortion describing himself as both pro-life and pro-choice. In addition, the Christian professor called pro-life efforts to pass laws to legally protect children in the womb akin to playing the Holy Spirit. According to their website, Indiana Wesleyan University describes themselves, “an evangelical Christian…

A professor at a Wesleyan University says he is conflicted over abortion describing himself as both pro-life and pro-choice. In addition, the Christian professor called pro-life efforts to pass laws to legally protect children in the womb akin to playing the Holy Spirit.


According to their website, Indiana Wesleyan University describes themselves, “an evangelical Christian comprehensive university that is committed to liberal arts and professional education.

Gregory Fiebig

Yet in a student government panel discussion with the pro-life organizations, Created Equal and Life Training Institute, Indiana Wesleyan University professor Dr. Gregory Fiebig, professor of Communication and Theatre, appeared to support legal abortion.

In a Life vs. Choice panel, the Christian University professor shocked the audience by admitting, “I don’t know if you know what cognitive dissonance is. It’s somebody who holds two opposing views equally. I am equally pro-choice and pro-life. And that may drive people crazy.”

He continued, “This is our belief; that life begins at conception. It is not the world’s belief. And so, if we start telling the world how to live their lives, and hold them to a morality that we believe, that is a little bit akin to playing the Holy Spirit.

Asked if he would like to see abortion made illegal again, Dr. Fiebig responded, “I am not prepared to go that direction right now.”

Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, Inc., who has previously called pro-choice Christians absurd, called professor Fiebig a heretic, “It is heretics and degenerates like this that have caused America to become a post-Christian nation,” Crutcher said in response.

You can watch the interaction between Fiebig and Created Equal’s director of training Seth Drayer as well as Life Training Institute’s Midwest director of training, Michael Spencer, who were also on the panel:

In a letter the Christian University professor penned after the panel discussion, he attempted to justify his position using the Bible, “As I explained during the forum, when it comes to the issue at hand, pro-life versus pro-choice, I am conflicted. I hold two seemingly divergent views, also known as Cognitive Dissonance. I am equally pro-life and pro-choice.

Referring to the account of the fall of man recorded in the book of Genesis, Fiebig says he finds “freedom of choice” on abortion and writes, “While God certainly indicated (commanded) that Adam and Eve were not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he allowed them the freedom of choice to do so. To be sure, there were consequences. There are consequences to each and every choice we make. A person who chooses an abortion must live with the consequences. A person who chooses adoption must live with the consequences. A person who chooses to have the baby must live with those consequences as well.

Reiterating the “right to choose” mantra the Christian professor continues, “Regardless of whether abortion is legal or illegal, moral or immoral, ethical or unethical, people still have the right to choose, just as Adam and Eve had the right to choose against God’s command in the Garden of Eden.”

Fiebig goes on to say that when a woman chooses to murder her child in the womb, he would have to understand why, “So you see, my cognitive dissonance is strong. I believe theologically in free will while at the same time believing practically in the sanctity of life. While my wife and I chose life, I must recognize that other young couples in our situation may have chosen to terminate the pregnancy, and quite frankly, I would have understood why.”

No….you just cannot make this stuff up.

Watch Mark Crutcher discuss pro-choice Christians here:


  1. God forbid some kids should have a professor who provokes them to think about something differently than they’ve ever had to before… in college…

  2. If a new human life beginning at conception were just a religious concept, then I would agree with him – we can’t expect non-believers to uphold our moral laws. But a new human life beginning at conception is not a religious concept, it is a scientific fact. Even Non-believers can agree with that. The question then is does that human life deserve protection, and some would argue no because it is not a “person” yet, trying to somehow say some humans are people and some not. That is a philosophical idea that has never been argued in court. Rather, Roe v Wade was based on bad science saying that preborns aren’t human, which is completely false. … Anyway, this professor has not thought through this issue carefully enough or he would not have come to the conclusion he did. That was the immature view I had many years ago until I thought more carefully in it – and it’s the same immature view that many Christians have who are “personally prolife” but prochoice when it comes to others choice. Real babies are dying because of this confused position.

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