#98 – Is The Pro-Life Movement Actually Trying To Force Women To Have Babies?
One of the abortion lobby’s standard lies is to claim that the pro-life movement is trying to force women to have babies. But is that really the truth?
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how one of the abortion lobby’s standard lies is to claim that the pro-life movement is trying to force women to have babies. Of course, the truth is that we totally support the right of every woman not to have a baby. But the right to not get pregnant is not the same as the right to kill the baby if you do get pregnant.
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One of the abortion lobby’s standard lies is to claim that the pro-life movement is trying to force women to have babies. Of course, the truth is that we totally support the right of every woman not to have a baby.
But the right to not get pregnant is not the same as the right to kill the baby if you do get pregnant. And the biological reality is that when a woman is pregnant, she already has a baby. The other biological reality is that, unless she figures out a way to stay pregnant forever, she is going to give birth. Her only option is to give birth to a live baby or a dead one. For those of us who are pro-life, our goal is to see that every baby comes out alive, while the abortion lobby gets paid a lot of money to make sure they come out dead. And in a nutshell, that defines the battle over abortion.
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