#64 – The Chilling Link Between the Holocaust & The Abortion Industry
There is a chilling link between the German holocaust and the American abortion industry. Watch to see what it is…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions! And expose the chilling secrets they don’t want you to know…
Like how there is a chilling link between the German holocaust and the American abortion industry. Watch to see what that is…
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There is a chilling link between the German holocaust and the American abortion industry. When the Nazis went from shooting their victims to gassing them, they used a chemical called Zyklon B that was developed and manufactured by a company named I.G. Farben.
After the war, I.G. Farben executives needed to distance themselves from their role in the Nazi holocaust, so they changed the company’s name to Hoechst AG. The company survived and, today, it is a pharmaceutical giant with subsidiaries all over the world. One of those subsidiaries is a French company named Roussel Uclaf, and that is the company that developed the so-called “abortion pill” RU-486. In other words, the same multi-national corporation that created Zyklon B for Germany’s death camps, created RU-486 for America’s death camps.
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#115 – “You Should Be Helping People Who Are Already Here.”
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