#63 – Does God Plan ALL Pregnancies?
Anyone who says that there is such a thing as a pro-choice Christian is, at best, ignorant about what it means to be a Christian or, at worst, a heretic. The truth is, for God there is no such thing as an unplanned pregnancy or an unwanted child.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how anyone who says that there is such a thing as a pro-choice Christian is, at best, ignorant about what it means to be a Christian or, at worst, a heretic. See why…
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Let’s be clear about one thing: anyone who says that there is such a thing as a pro-choice Christian is, at best, ignorant about what it means to be a Christian or, at worst, a heretic.
The truth is, for God there is no such thing as an unplanned pregnancy or an unwanted child. And it’s bad enough when the world doesn’t understand this, but it’s an obscenity when people who claim to be Christians don’t understand it. Remember, a Christian cannot be pro-choice about the intentional destruction of these innocent and defenseless babies any more than they can be pro-choice about rape, slavery, incest, child abuse, or any other form of savagery. The pro-choice mob can dance around it all they want to, but support for legal abortion is totally incompatible with Christianity.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#105 – How Will Future Generations Look Upon Legalized Abortion?
Today, we look back on slavery and the Nazi holocaust and ask ourselves how any nation claiming to be civilized could have allowed these things to happen. How will future generations look back on the era of legalized abortion?
#3 – The “pro-life with exceptions” position is a fraud.
Some people claim to be pro-life while saying that abortion should be legal in some circumstances. But the truth is, the “pro-life with exceptions” position is a fraud. Watch to see why.
#8 – Reducing the “Need” For Abortion
The abortion lobby often proposes that we join them to look for ways to end the need for abortion. It’s a trap called “common ground.” These people know that legal abortion is easier to sell when the public believes that they are done out of need rather than want, and every time we take the “common ground” bait we help them sell that lie.