#41 – “Abortion IS Healthcare!”
The abortion lobby desperately tries to convince the public that abortion is healthcare. But even studies from the U.S. government and the abortion industry itself prove that’s far from the truth…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the abortion lobby is desperately trying to convince the public that abortion is healthcare. But even studies from the U.S. government and the abortion industry itself prove that’s far from the truth…
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The abortion lobby is desperately trying to convince the public that abortion is healthcare. But even studies from the U.S. government and the abortion industry itself prove that almost every abortion in America is done for non-medical reasons on healthy babies being carried by healthy women whose pregnancies pose no risk to either their lives or their health.
So the question is: just how stupid do you have to be to say that killing a healthy baby being carried by a healthy mom is healthcare? And besides, if abortion is healthcare, then a woman would be healthier after she has one than she was before. And that’s obviously not the case. The fact is, elective abortions are not healthcare anymore than boob jobs are healthcare.
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More Abortion Distortions:
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#48 – What If Pro-Lifers Are Wrong?
Pro-choicers will ask pro-lifers if we have ever thought about the possibility that we are wrong. So let’s dive into the potential consequences of each side being wrong.