#33 – The Chemical Abortion Business Is Just As Sleazy As The Regular Abortion Business
The abortion lobby tries to lure doctors, pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies, and drug store chains into getting involved with abortion pills by subtly implying that the chemical abortion business is not as sleazy as the regular abortion business. These people can sugar coat it all they want to, but when one of these human pesticides is used to poison an unborn child, every person involved becomes an abortionist.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the abortion lobby tries to lure doctors, pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies, and drug store chains into getting involved with abortion pills by subtly implying that the chemical abortion business is not as sleazy as the regular abortion business. These people can sugar coat it all they want to, but when one of these human pesticides is used to poison an unborn child, each and every person involved becomes an abortionist.
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One way the abortion lobby is trying to lure doctors, pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies, and drug store chains into getting involved with abortion pills, is by subtly implying that the chemical abortion business is not as sleazy as the regular abortion business. And it’s true that killing babies with chemicals is less gruesome for the abortionist than ripping them apart with scalpels and forceps.
But in both cases, the intent is to kill a living human being. So these people can sugar coat it all they want to, but when one of these human pesticides is used to poison an unborn child, every person who produced, distributed, or sold that pill, and every person who prescribed it and filled the prescription, became abortionists – no different than those who work at any abortion mill in the country.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#59 – The Flaw With The Pro-Choice “Trust Women” Argument
The pro-choice side claims that when it comes to abortion, they trust women to make their own decisions. But why do they only apply it to abortion?
#40 – Should Abortion Be Our Core Issue?
Some people argue that we should not have litmus tests for politicians and judges. See why that is pure nonsense…
#73 – Abortion: Healthcare Or Contract Killings?
The abortion lobby tries to justify abortion by calling it “healthcare.” But as we prove, by definition, abortions are not healthcare. They are contract killings.