#25 – Can Abortion Help Solve Social Problems?
The pro-choice mob has always pushed abortion as a solution to social problems. But do we really want America to be the kind of country that uses child sacrifice as a tool of social engineering?
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice mob has always pushed abortion as a solution to social problems. But as we show, this idea that abortion could be used to solve social problems is just a self-serving lie told by people who support the abortion industry.
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The pro-choice mob has always pushed abortion as a solution to social problems. It’s the standard eugenics argument that says any social problem can be solved if we will just eliminate enough of the right people. The problem is, abortion on demand has been legal for decades, and yet every social problem America faced when the first baby was executed has gotten worse. As it turns out, this idea that abortion could be used to solve social problems is just a self-serving lie told by people who support the abortion industry.
But let’s just say for a moment that our social problems had been helped by killing babies, would that justify those killing? I mean, do we really want America to be the kind of country that uses child sacrifice as a tool of social engineering? Are we not better people than that?
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