#118 – Selling Abortion As Self-Defense

One of the abortion lobby’s marketing strategies is to portray women as victims of their pregnancies where the children are their enemies. Of course, the goal behind all this is obvious…

Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!

Like how one of the abortion lobby’s marketing strategies is to portray women as victims of their pregnancies rather than participants in them. And part of this strategy is to make women see children as their enemies. Watch to see what we mean…

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One of the abortion lobby’s marketing strategies is to portray women as victims of their pregnancies rather than participants in them. For example, they replace phrases like “she got pregnant” with nonsense like “she found herself pregnant” as if a bunch of random sperm cells just sneaked up on her one day and jumped into her uterus.

A second part of this strategy is to make women see children as their enemies. So they talk about how babies cause devastating economic hardships for women, destroy any possibility they have for a happy life, keep young girls from getting an education – and the list goes on and on. Of course, the goal behind all this is obvious. The pro-choice mob is trying to sell the idea that legalized abortion isn’t really murder – it’s self-defense.


Watch more “Abortion Distortion” videos from Life Dynamics for the no compromises, no exceptions, and no apologies pro-life position!
Since 1992, Life Dynamics has exposed the biggest horrors and coverups of the abortion industry. Learn more about our work.

For inquires or requests for interviews, please contact Sheila Crutcher at sheila@lifedynamics.com or (940) 380-8800.

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More Abortion Distortions:

#116 – “The Pro-Life Movement Is A Bunch Of Religious, Anti-Choice Extremists!”

#116 – “The Pro-Life Movement Is A Bunch Of Religious, Anti-Choice Extremists!”

The pro-choice side has accused the pro-life movement of being a bunch of “anti-choice extremists who are trying to force their religious beliefs on everyone else.” Since “choice” means having the legal right to butcher defenseless children, then we are indeed anti-choice. But as for the claim that we are trying pass laws to force our theological views on others, that is idiocy.