#114 – Is Birth Control The Way To Prevent Abortions?
Birth control is often pushed as the way to prevent abortions. But does this argument actually hold up in real life? Let’s look at the evidence…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how birth control is often pushed as the way to prevent abortions. But does this argument actually hold up in real life? Let’s look at the evidence…
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Is birth control the way to prevent abortions? Well the evidence is that pushing contraception increases sexual activity at a higher rate than it increases the use of the contraception, and that gap produces an increase in pregnancies.
It’s also true that many common forms of contraception can act as abortions. Although the manufacturers of birth control chemicals and devices say their products are intended to prevent fertilization, they will concede that if their product fails to do that, it can also keep the fertilized egg from implanting. Of course, when that happens, the pregnancy was not prevented it was aborted. In the case of IUDs, they are marketed as contraception despite the fact they are specifically designed to prevent implantation, not fertilization. Again, that is abortion.
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