#109 – “Abortion Bans Lead To Dangerous Back-Alley Abortions!”
The pro-choice side often argues that if woman are denied legal abortions, they will get injured or killed in illegal back-alley abortions. But should something not be made illegal because it otherwise makes it dangerous for those breaking the law?
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side often argues that if woman are denied legal abortions, they will get injured or killed in illegal back-alley abortions. But how stupid do you have to be to argue that something should not be against the law because that makes it dangerous for those breaking the law?
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The pro-choice mob says that if woman are denied legal abortions, they will get injured or killed in illegal back-alley abortions. But how stupid do you have to be, to say that abortion should not be against the law because that makes it dangerous for those who choose to break the law? It’s like saying that armed robbery should be legal because armed robbers sometimes get shot while holding up convenience stores.
The fact is, if a woman is harmed while having an illegal abortion, it was not the law that harmed her, it was her decision to violate the law. I will also point out that that every abortion — whether it’s legal or illegal — is done by someone who is pro-choice. So if these people are really so concerned about women being harmed by illegal abortions, all they have to do is agree not do them.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#64 – The Chilling Link Between the Holocaust & The Abortion Industry
There is a chilling link between the German holocaust and the American abortion industry. Watch to see what it is…
#15 – Why Some Admit The Unborn Are Living Human Beings But Still Say Abortion Should Be Legal
Many people will concede that the unborn are living human beings, but then turn right around and say it should be legal to intentionally kill them. Of course, the explanation for this is both obvious and ugly.
#87 – Does Viability Define Humanity?
The pro-choice side argues that abortions before viability are okay since the child cannot survive if he or she is removed from the mother’s womb. But this argument is so illogical it’s laughable.