#112 – Why Pro-Choice People Become Enraged When Referred To As Pro-Abortion
People who sell legalized abortion as such a positive thing, often become unhinged when someone refers to them as pro-abortion. Of course, the reason why is obvious…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how people who sell legalized abortion as such a positive thing, often become unhinged when someone refers to them as pro-abortion. Among all the world’s social and political movements, the abortion lobby is the only one that insists on NOT being publicly identified with the activity they support. And the reason why is obvious…
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Why is it that the people who sell legalized abortion as such a positive thing, often become unhinged when someone refers to them as pro-abortion? Think about that for a moment.
People who support the death penalty don’t mind being called pro-death penalty. People who support government-funded healthcare don’t start foaming at the mouth if they are called pro-healthcare. People who support the second amendment don’t feel insulted if someone calls them pro-gun. The reality is, among all the world’s social and political movements, the abortion lobby is the only one that insists on not being publicly identified with the activity they support. And the reason why is obvious. Simply put, these people are trying to defend something that is impossible to defend – and they know it.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#100 – The “Miracle Of Child Birth”
You often hear people talk about “the miracle of child birth.” But could we be accidentally reinforcing pro-choice rhetoric?
#42 – Are You Pro-Choice With Exceptions?
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#110 – Adopting ALL The Unwanted Children
Pro-choice people often asks the pro-lifers whether we are willing to adopt all the unwanted children who will be born if abortion is outlawed. Regardless of the answer, the real issue is that the basis of their argument is preposterous to begin with.