#103 – The “Great” Parasite Debate
The pro-choice side often describes the unborn as parasites. But let’s “follow the science”…
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side will often describe the unborn as parasites and say that the government has no right to tell women that they can’t have them removed. But let’s “follow the science” shall we…
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The left is always telling us to “follow the science” on things like climate change and environmental policy. But when it comes to abortion, science is suddenly off the table.
Just one example of this is that the pro-choice mob will often describe the unborn as parasites and say that the government has no right to tell women that they can’t have them removed. The problem is that the unborn do not fit any accepted definition of a parasite, and nowhere in science are they classified as parasites. Of course, that could be just some sort of gap in the scientific community’s knowledge. So maybe the abortion lobby would be willing to educate the rest of us about this mysterious biological process that turns parasites into living human beings. After all, they seem to be the only people on earth who are aware of it.
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