#75 -The Double Standard Of The “Uterus Rule”

The pro-choice crowd likes to whine that men have no right to be involved in the abortion issue. And yet they don’t seem to apply this standard to men who support legal abortion.

Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!

Like how the pro-choice crowd likes to whine that men have no right to be involved in the abortion issue. And yet they don’t seem to apply this standard to men who support legal abortion. Let’s take a look at this double standard.

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Those of you in the pro-choice mob like to whine that men have no right to be involved in the abortion issue. But you never seem to play this “Vagina Card” on male politicians and judges who are pro-abortion. Or on the men who go to your marches and rallies. Or on the male escorts hanging around outside the abortion clinics. And you never say that men should not be allowed on the boards of pro-abortion organizations, or that men should be prohibited f rom giving political or f inancial support to these groups. And you certainly have no problem with those men who show up at your clinics with cash in their pockets and pregnant women in tow. So the question is, are you allowing these guys to be involved in the abortion issue under some sort of “honorary vagina” status?



Watch more “Abortion Distortion” videos from Life Dynamics for the no compromises, no exceptions, and no apologies pro-life position!
Since 1992, Life Dynamics has exposed the biggest horrors and coverups of the abortion industry. Learn more about our work.

For inquires or requests for interviews, please contact Sheila Crutcher at sheila@lifedynamics.com or (940) 380-8800.

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