#59 – The Flaw With The Pro-Choice “Trust Women” Argument
The pro-choice side claims that when it comes to abortion, they trust women to make their own decisions. But why do they only apply it to abortion?
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how the pro-choice side claims that when it comes to abortion, they trust women to make their own decisions. But why do they only apply it to abortion? I mean, either they trust women or they don’t. See why this claim that they “trust women” is a sham…
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If the abortion lobby is serious about their “we trust women” rhetoric, why do they only apply it to abortion? I mean, either they trust women or they don’t. And if they do, why aren’t they saying that women should be trusted to decide whether they’re going to stop at red lights, rob banks, beat their children, or poison their husbands? And why aren’t they insisting that female business owners be trusted to decide for themselves whether they are going to hire minorities?
In fact, the “trust women” crowd should be demanding that women be exempted from all laws and just blindly trusted to always do the right thing. But that’s not what they are doing. Instead, the only women they seem to think should always be trusted, are those who might be in the market for an abortion. I wonder why that is?
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More Abortion Distortions:
#61 – “Nobody Really Knows When Life Begins!”
The pro-choice crowd has always claimed that no one knows when life begins. But modern technology – like ultrasound – has made that statement ridiculous.
#102 – Debunking The “Better Aborted Than Abused” Argument
When adoption is suggested as an alternative to abortion, abortion supporters demand to know how we can guarantee that children who get adopted won’t be abused or neglected.
#11 – Can The Government Force Women To Have Abortions?
The pro-choice claims claims that any government that can tell a woman she can’t have an abortion, can also tell her she has to have one. The fact is, the only women who have ever been forced by their governments to have abortions, live in countries where abortion is legal – not illegal.