It’s a baby rather fetus says news reporter

A story about protests outside a Kentucky abortion clinic has the news reporter using the term baby then quickly changing it to fetus in describing an unborn child. The story centered around the group Cities for Life which displays abortion victim images outside the EMW Women’s abortion clinic in Lexington. As ABC36 reporter, Belinda Post,…

A story about protests outside a Kentucky abortion clinic has the news reporter using the term baby then quickly changing it to fetus in describing an unborn child.

ABC 36 Lexington abortion

The story centered around the group Cities for Life which displays abortion victim images outside the EMW Women’s abortion clinic in Lexington.

Graphic abortion pics EMW Lexington

As ABC36 reporter, Belinda Post, introduced the segment, she held a model of an unborn baby, and said “this is a model of a baby or rather a fetus that’s 10 to 12 weeks old. That’s the latest EMW Women’s clinic just up the road will perform one.”

Belinda Post baby fetus abortion ABC 36 Lexington

In fairness to Post, later in the report, she correctly used the word “unborn babies” to describe pictures in the display and said that the group tried to persuade mothers-to-be who wish to “terminate their children” to try and “get others to choose life.”

Suport Life Dynamics prolife abortion

You can watch the report below:

Read more about the story.


  1. Pingback: Pro Life America
  2. Christian M. Cepel says:

    Has her statement been deliberately mangled into nonsense for the Title and mid-article title? I’d change it and keep the permalink so it doesn’t look like our side is deliberately making her out to be grammatically challenged.

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