Disturbing 911 call “there’s a baby in my garbage can !”

A disturbing 911 call has been released where a woman in Utah calls dispatchers to tell them she has found a baby in her garbage can. The 911 caller said she thought she head a cat and then discovered it was a baby in her garbage can. Kearns Police later confirmed the infant belonged to…

A disturbing 911 call has been released where a woman in Utah calls dispatchers to tell them she has found a baby in her garbage can.

The 911 caller said she thought she head a cat and then discovered it was a baby in her garbage can.

Kearns Police later confirmed the infant belonged to 23-year-old neighbor who had just given birth.

According to a probable cause statement, the woman told police she was afraid to tell her parents about the pregnancy and “she said she discarded the baby in hopes it would die and solve her problems.”

Alicia Englert

The woman, Alicia Englert, was arrested that afternoon and is now facing attempted murder charges.

Fox13 has more here.

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