How is ISIS harvesting human organs different from abortion industry?

Reports that ISIS might be harvesting human organs from victims promoted one pro-life leader to ask how it’s different than what the abortion industry does? According to CNN, the Iraqi ambassador has suggested that ISIS is now in the business of harvesting human organs from their victims and selling them on the black market in…

Pro-lifers say free speech under attack by Arkansas Transportation Department

UPDATED HERE: First amendment right to hold pro-life signs near highway confirmed Pro-lifers praying outside a Planned Parenthood in Arkansas say their free speech rights are under attack by the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department. According to Thomas More Society attorneys, during the Fayetteville 40 Days for Life’s eighth peaceful prayer vigil outside the…

Dr. Alveda King: Planned Parenthood sells abortion as birth control

During Black History Month, Dr. Alveda King discussed why abortion is prevalent within the Black community, stating that Planned Parenthood sells it as a means of birth control. According to the most recent report released by the Center for Disease Control, in 2011 almost 56% of all abortions reported for race were done on minority…

Planned Parenthood closed for President’s Day

President’s Day appears to be good for unborn children as several Planned Parenthood facilities across the nation will be closed today! Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in the nation, killing over 327,653 unborn children last year alone according to their latest annual report. Planned Parenthood’s closure today is also good for any…