How Much Do You Really Know About Birth Control?
This episode of LifeTalk could leave you questioning everything you were told about birth control.
This episode of LifeTalk could leave you questioning everything you were told about birth control.
Life Talk is a monthly pro-life TV show which contains pro-life news on abortion, Planned Parenthood, and politics and produced at the studios of Life Dynamics in Denton, Texas. In the March 2015 episode of Life Talk, co-hosts Mark Crutcher, Renee Hobbs, Destiny Herndon-DeLaRosa, and guest host Sean Martin from Online For Life discuss several…
Reports that ISIS might be harvesting human organs from victims promoted one pro-life leader to ask how it’s different than what the abortion industry does? According to CNN, the Iraqi ambassador has suggested that ISIS is now in the business of harvesting human organs from their victims and selling them on the black market in…
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