#119 – The Quest To Save Lives
The pro-choice side argues that women are going to have abortions no matter what the law says, and keeping them legal makes sure they happen in a safe environment. Of course, this is a preposterous argument. See why…
The pro-choice side argues that women are going to have abortions no matter what the law says, and keeping them legal makes sure they happen in a safe environment. Of course, this is a preposterous argument. See why…
The people who claim to be “pro-science” immediately throw science out the window when it comes to abortion and the unborn child. All of a sudden, “choice” is all that matters and science is irrelevant.
The pro-choice side often claims that legalized abortion prevents deaths due to childbirth. Watch to see just how phony this argument is – and how it actually has nothing to do with protecting women.
The abortion lobby desperately tries to convince the public that abortion is healthcare. But even studies from the U.S. government and the abortion industry itself prove that’s far from the truth…