#2 – Genocide is easier to sell when no one sees it but the killers

#2 – Genocide is easier to sell when no one sees it but the killers

The pro-choice mob goes ballistic when pro-lifers show graphic images of abortion to the public. Of course, pictures of abortion are disgusting and barbaric, but only because abortion itself is disgusting and barbaric. What’s even more disgusting and barbaric, is that what’s shown in those photos is tolerated in a society that considers itself to be civilized.

Episode 111 | China’s Population Crisis

Episode 111 | China’s Population Crisis

With all the recent news and revelations about China, we decided to discuss China’s population crisis and its push for dominance despite the data showing that their population bust is happening much faster than anyone anticipated. We reveal what this means for China’s economic state and how it has impacted their laws limiting the number of children families are allowed to have. Plus, we discuss the shocking loss in Kansas and a New York Times article that claims that, “the line between abortion and pregnancy loss has always been blurry.”

Backlash against Planned Parenthood for Selma Tweet

Kudos to Town Hall for discovering abortion giant Planned Parenthood’s hypocrisy in a tweet they posted during the Oscars referencing the film, Selma. The controversial #Oscars2015 tweet caused some backlash from those who know about Planned Parenthood’s racist agenda. It read, “Words to remember: “#Selma is now because the struggle for justice is right now.”…

Dr. Alveda King: Planned Parenthood sells abortion as birth control

During Black History Month, Dr. Alveda King discussed why abortion is prevalent within the Black community, stating that Planned Parenthood sells it as a means of birth control. According to the most recent report released by the Center for Disease Control, in 2011 almost 56% of all abortions reported for race were done on minority…