Episode 129 | Population Control & Eugenics Efforts Disguised as “Aid”

Episode 129 | Population Control & Eugenics Efforts Disguised as “Aid”

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we cover the scandal that most Americans have no idea they are footing the bill for. This episode will have your blood boiling as we reveal and provide proof of how eugenics and population control efforts are being thrust on foreign countries under the guise of “aid.”

Episode 111 | China’s Population Crisis

Episode 111 | China’s Population Crisis

With all the recent news and revelations about China, we decided to discuss China’s population crisis and its push for dominance despite the data showing that their population bust is happening much faster than anyone anticipated. We reveal what this means for China’s economic state and how it has impacted their laws limiting the number of children families are allowed to have. Plus, we discuss the shocking loss in Kansas and a New York Times article that claims that, “the line between abortion and pregnancy loss has always been blurry.”

Pro-life campaign outside NEA convention over abortion

Today, dozens of concerned pro-lifers in Orlando, Florida are conducting an awareness campaign outside the NEA Teacher’s Union Convention to expose their support of abortion. According to Bob Pawson, director of Pro-Life Educators of America, who heads up the annual campaign, pro-Life teachers, parents, and students from the greater Orlando area hope to educate the…

Wisconsin lawmakers ask for Planned Parenthood audit

A group of Wisconsin law makers is calling for an investigation into family planning centers and Planned Parenthood centers in the state. The request was sent by 28 Wisconsin State Representatives and 4 State Senators in a letter dated January 22, 2015, to Senator Robert Crowles and Representative Samantha Kerkman, co-chairmen of the non-partisan Joint…