Pro-life group to defy government mandate to fund birth control and abortion

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, has stated on numerous occasions that he will refuse to pay any fines or submit to government edicts that require Priests for Life to pay for abortions and birth control under the ObamaCare HHS mandate. On Friday, a three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit sided with…

Birth Control and abortion the great eugenic advances of our time

Today, Planned Parenthood’s president compared the celebration of birth control to Thanksgiving. In a tweet she posted for National Thank Birth Control Day, Cecile Richards said, “Happy #ThxBirthControl Day—like Thanksgiving, but for birth control! Here’s why I’m thankful.” We thought that since the abortion giant was celebrating birth control, we would publish quotes by early…

Is Birth Control Abortive ?

In the November episode of Life Talk TV, a national pro-life talk show produced at the studios of Life Dynamics, Inc. in Denton, Texas, the panel discusses whether birth control is abortive. Life Talk host Mark Crutcher who is also the president of Life Dynamics, Inc. begins the conversation by introducing a news story on…