Reflections on this Fourth of July
It’s almost the Fourth of July. Some people may not feel like celebrating it this year, because of everything that has happened in America this last year. Many people feel that there is no hope left for America. But we must remember this…
Written By: Sheila Crutcher
Life Dynamics Staff
It’s almost the Fourth of July.
Some people may not feel like celebrating it this year, because of everything that has happened in America this last year. Many people feel that there is no hope left for America. But we must remember this…
America was not founded and
established through easy times.
The establishment of America has seen its up’s and down’s and was formed in spite of hardships. The saying, “Anything worth doing is hard.” is very true. Despite all of the obstacles, people have paved the way, and thru blood, sweat and tears America is still standing.
Now, is America where it needs to be? No, of course not. The fact that the killing of millions of innocent and defenseless babies is legal, is proof of that; however, there are people who are still standing up for what is right. There are still good people who want America to be a great nation, one that stands and defends “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.
So, let us be thankful for those who have paved the way. And let us, both you and I, make a promise that we won’t give up. Though times are tough, we must continue on. We must continue on in our defense of life.
We, at Life Dynamics, will continue on and hope that you will continue to fight beside us. There is too much at stake to just give up.
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