Is Planned Parenthood Trying to Become Part of the Government?

It’s no secret that Planned Parenthood has been trying to have a monopoly on abortions in America. Could this be part of a bigger plan?

Right now, the abortion industry is pushing a “statistic” that one in three women will have an abortion before age 45.

This statistic is based on 2008 data from the Guttmacher Institute – the research arm of Planned Parenthood.

"At 2008 abortion rates, almost one in ten women will have an abortion by age 20, one in four by age 30, and three in ten by age 45." - Guttmacher Institute May 2016
Notice that in a 2016 “Fact Sheet” Guttmacher is quoting data that is eight years old…

However, Mark points out that the abortion rate has plummeted since 2008. But the “One in Three” line is flawed in more ways than one. It’s only strength is that it works better for the abortion industry.

Hear Mark, Renee, and Carol explain how this figure is a sham meant to normalize abortion

But women who have had an abortion know that there is nothing normal about it. Learn about anniversary reactions and why repeat abortions can happen.

“Once you’ve had an abortion, you start dealing with your…future fertility.”

-Carol Everett

Is Planned Parenthood trying to become an agency of the government?

It’s no secret to those in the abortion industry that Planned Parenthood has been trying to have a monopoly on abortions in America. Mark shares his theory that this is part of the abortion giant’s bigger plan.

Mark shares his theory with Renee Hobbs, vice president of Life Dynamics; and with Carol Everett of the Heidi Group
Mark shares his theory with Renee Hobbs (vice president of Life Dynamics), and with Carol Everett of the Heidi Group

Right now, the industry is dealing with a drop in the demand for abortions, clinics are closing in liberal states, clinics are having a problem keeping staff, political support for abortion has plummeted – all which makes a contracting environment. Despite all this, Planned Parenthood continues to build “Mega Centers” across the country.

Planned Parenthood Mega Centers America
Several of Planned Parenthood’s million dollar mega centers across the country.

Mark points out that businesses don’t expand in a time when their market and demand is shrinking.

“If you look at Planned Parenthood from a business model, which is what it is – it is a business…Any legitimate business consultant would tell you that in that kind of contracting market, you don’t expand your facilities.”

-Mark Crutcher

So what would happen if they became part of the government?

If Planned Parenthood became part of the government, the amount of money they are given per abortion goes up, it would be next to impossible for states or the federal government to defund them, and school boards aren’t going to be able to keep Planned Parenthood out of their schools.

Whether you agree with his theory or not, Mark points out that it is much easier to prevent them from becoming an agency of the government than to undo what has already been done.

“People can disagree with me, I’m sure they will… I’m sure there will be pro-lifers saying ‘Oh, you’re baying at the moon, here. This is not what’s happening.’ You better be paying attention. At least consider the possibility that this is what they’re doing. Because once it happens, you can’t un-ring that bell.”

-Mark Crutcher

Watch the episode and decide for yourself…

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