#564 – Planned Parenthood in Shawano, WI

Listen to the Call:

SHAWANO, WI 54166-2942

TAPE – 564

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Good morning. Planned Parenthood Shano (sp). This is Diane. May I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering, do you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: We don’t at this particular clinic.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know of anybody that does?

CLINIC: Well, we have a list of some providers throughout the state if you want to stop in you can pick up the list; and there’s phone numbers and that on there you can call.

CALLER: Okay. Well, could I ask you something real quick?


CALLER: I’m just worried about all this because like my friend told me that — Well, I’m going to be 14 next month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: Being that he’s older, I don’t know. That’s kind of a situation where he’s with a minor.

CALLER: What do you mean?

CLINIC: Well, it’s really against the law to have an adult having intercourse with a minor child.

CALLER: It’s against the law?

CLINIC: Yes, it is. (laughs)

CALLER: Well, what could happen?

CLINIC: It depends on if somebody wants to press charges or not.

CALLER: Well, are you guys going to press charges?

CLINIC: If you just want to come in and pick up the information —

CALLER: Well, I was actually just wanting to get like a pregnancy test because like —

CLINIC: Oh, you don’t even know if you are pregnant?

CALLER: Well, I haven’t had my period since like December 26th, and I’m just cared.

CLINIC: Okay. Are you — Have you been getting your periods normally, or are they irregular anyways?

CALLER: They’re usually normal.

CLINIC: Okay. Well, if you want you can come in for a pregnancy test.

CALLER: Well, would you have to tell anybody about my boyfriend or anything?

CLINIC: No. Well, if I were you I wouldn’t mention his age. (laughs)

CALLER: Oh, okay. But he would have to be there with me because he was going to drive me and pay for everything.

CLINIC: That’s okay.

CALLER: Okay. So it’s still all right if he’s there?


CALLER: And he won’t get in trouble?

CLINIC: Not that I’m aware of.


CLINIC: I just wouldn’t mention his age and mention that he’s your boyfriend with that age. (laughs)

CALLER: Okay. So when I come in for a pregnancy test, if it came out that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control?

CLINIC: We could do what we call “pills in advance.” You need to have an exam but we don’t have a nurse here right now, so you could get sort of like where you could start on them right away, and then in three months you need to come back and have an exam done.


CLINIC: Are you in Shawano County or —

CALLER: I live in Clintonville.

CLINIC: You live in Clintonville so you’re not in Shawano County. Okay.

CALLER: But my friend gave me you guys’ number, so —

CLINIC: Yeah. Pills would run $8.75 a pack. And there may be a charge for like an office visit. If you’re having a pregnancy test that’s $7.50, and that you need to pay when you come.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: Would anybody have to know about all this though?

CLINIC: No. Everything’s confidential.

CALLER: Okay. All right.

CLINIC: Were you interested in coming for anything today then?

CALLER: Well, what time are you guys open today?

CLINIC: We’re here from 10:00 til 5:00.

CALLER: Okay. I would have to call my boyfriend to see if he could take me, but I think so. Are you guys open tomorrow though?


CALLER: Oh. When’s the next day you’re open?

CLINIC: Monday.

CALLER: Oh, okay. What time on Monday?

CLINIC: Mondays we’re here from 10:00 to 6:00, Thursdays 10:00 to 5:00.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if I bought a pregnancy test in the store, do you think those are normally right?

CLINIC: Yeah, those are accurate, um-hum.

CALLER: Really?

CLINIC: Um-hum.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if I took that and I wasn’t pregnant could I come in there for birth control?

CLINIC: Sure. Sure. But you’d need to call and just let us know, you know, set up an appointment so we know you’re coming.

CALLER: Okay. So, but if i was pregnant would you have to tell my parents?


CALLER: Oh. Okay.


CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: All righty.



CALLER: Thanks.

(phone clicks)


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#392 – Planned Parenthood in Sheboygan, WI

Listen to the Call:

SHEBOYGAN, WI 53081-3100

TAPE – 392

(Dialing, phone ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood, Sheboygan.

CALLER: Hi. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: No, not here. In Appleton and in Milwaukee.

CALLER: Okay. Do you have the numbers for those?

CLINIC: Yeah. 1-800-472-2703.



CALLER: Is that for both of them?

CLINIC: It’s Milwaukee, but they can help you out.

CALLER: Okay. Well, could I ask a quick question? I’m just really worried ’cause like my friend told me that since like I’ll be 14 in March, she said that they would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever, and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: You’re 14?

CALLER: Well, I’ll be 14 in March.

CLINIC: You’re not even 14?


CLINIC: You’re not even 14?

CALLER: I’ll be 14 in March.

CLINIC: And your boyfriend’s 22?

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: I don’t know. He’s probably going to get in trouble.

CALLER: What kind of trouble? What do you mean?

CLINIC: You’re a minor. You know, and you have to be with a 25-year-old, I do believe it’s a 25-year-old relative at the least; otherwise, you know, under 18 you have to be with a parent.

CALLER: Oh. Well, my parents can’t find out at all. I mean, they know that we’re going out. They just hate him because they think he’s too old for me. But if they found out that we were having sex, I don’t know what they would do.

CLINIC: That’s what happens. He should have known better.

CALLER: Well, what can I do? I just don’t know what to do.

CLINIC: And you’re positive that you’re pregnant?

CALLER: Well, no. Like I was wanting to come in for a pregnancy test because —

CLINIC: I think you should.


CLINIC: Did you miss a period?

CALLER: Yeah. Well, I haven’t had my period since December 14th.

CLINIC: Okay. Have you ever been here before?


CLINIC: Okay. So you’re 13. Are you able to get here?

CALLER: Well, my boyfriend would be able to take me. But would he get in trouble if he was there?

CLINIC: No, no, not here. I’m just saying let’s say you were — I don’t know. I don’t know what would happen. But here, no. This is all confidential.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: What’s your name?

CALLER: It’s Christine.

CLINIC: Christine?

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: Do you spell it with a “C”?




CLINIC: And last name?

CALLER: Smith.



CLINIC: Okay. And you’ve never been here before you said?

CALLER: Right.

CLINIC: Okay. So we close at 2. Are you able to get here before then?

CALLER: I would have to call him and see, but I think so.

CLINIC: Okay. You know, maybe call a cab or something, whatever, but you need to get your butt in here, okay?

CALLER: Okay. Well, if I wasn’t pregnant, could you guys do birth control there?

CLINIC: Yeah. Yeah, definitely.

CALLER: But would anybody have to know that I was on birth control?

CLINIC: No, no.

CALLER: All right.


CALLER: And you wouldn’t have to tell anybody about my boyfriend or anything?

CLINIC: No, no.

CALLER: Okay. Well, would it be okay if like he picked up the birth control? Because I can’t drive.

CLINIC: Yeah. Yeah. That would be fine if he came in here to pick them up for you.



CALLER: I just have a lot of questions, and I don’t know what to do. Could I call and talk to you if I thought of anything else? What’s your name?

CLINIC: Angelica.


CLINIC: Yeah, just make sure you get in here. And we can talk to you about everything too, okay?


CLINIC: All right. Yeah. Make sure you call somebody and get over here, okay?

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: All right. Bye.

CALLER: Okay. Bye.


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#198 – Planned Parenthood in Waukesha, WI

Listen to the Call:

426 W. MAIN ST.
WAUKESHA, WI 53186-4636

TAPE – 198

(dialing sound) (ringing 10X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood.

CALLER: Hi. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: No, we don’t. We can recommend you to go to the one in Jackson Street.


CLINIC: But you need to schedule an appointment with them. Would you like their number so you can schedule an appointment with them.


CLINIC: Okay. Can I put you on hold?


CLINIC: Okay, thanks.


CLINIC: Ma’am?

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: Okay. You need to call the one on Jackson Street, and their phone number is 414-276-8777.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know like — Well, my friend actually told me to call you guys, so I was wanting to — But do you guys do like pregnancy tests there?

CLINIC: Yes, we do. It’s on a walk-in basis. So you’re welcome to come in and get a pregnancy test to see if you are positive.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you have to be a specific age for that? Like I’ll be 14 in March.

CLINIC: Okay. No.



CALLER: Okay. Do you guys have to tell my parents about that or anything?

CLINIC: No. Everything is confidential here.

CALLER: Okay. Because I can’t tell my parents at all because, well, it’s just my boyfriend is 22. And we’re going to get married and everything, but my parents hate him because they think he’s too old. So they can’t find out at all.

CLINIC: Okay. No, they won’t find out anything. It’s everything between confidential. It’s just between you and us, so no one else needs to know. I mean, we won’t tell anyone.

CALLER: Okay. Do my parents have to say it’s okay for me to get an abortion?

CLINIC: I believe you’re going to have to go to the courthouse and then waiver that.

CALLER: Oh. What do I do for that?

CLINIC: Okay. First of all, we need to have, make sure that you are pregnant. So you would have to come in here and make sure that we test you. And then once that is done, you can go to the courthouse or we’ll let you know what you have to do in order to do that.

CALLER: Do I need like a lawyer for that or anything?

CLINIC: I don’t believe so, no.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: Well, like is it all right if — like, well if I wasn’t pregnant do you guys do birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: Okay, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody about that either?




CALLER: Well, is it okay if I call you guys back? Like I have to talk to my boyfriend and see if he has any other questions. But could I talk to you?

CLINIC: Sure. You can talk to us. But like I said, if you’re here for a pregnancy test, it’s on a walk-in basis so you can come in any time. If you want to schedule to be put on birth control after we’re done testing you for the pregnancy, you can schedule an appointment with us so we can definitely — you can get birth control pills.



CALLER: Okay. Well, you’re so nice. Is it okay if I ask you like if I had any other questions?

CLINIC: Sure. My name is Josie.



CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: Thank you.



(phone clicks)


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#407 – Planned Parenthood in West Bend, WI

Listen to the Call:

WEST BEND, WI 53090-8488

TAPE – 407

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood of West End.

CALLER: Hi. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: We do not perform abortions at this clinic, but I can give you two telephone numbers for where they are performed.


CLINIC: Okay, one moment.

CALLER: Thanks.


CLINIC: Okay, do you have a pen and paper handy?


CLINIC: Do you prefer Milwaukee or Appleton?

CALLER: Probably Appleton.

CLINIC: Appleton? Okay. Telephone number is 920-731-9534.

CALLER: Okay. Well, could I go there for a pregnancy test though?

CLINIC: Sure. They can — I mean, have you taken the home pregnancy test already?



CALLER: I’m just scared because I haven’t had my period since December 14.

CLINIC: Okay. Taking a home pregnancy test would probably be your first thing that you want to do. If that’s positive and you want to have an abortion, then you call them.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I would just rather come see you guys because my friend said that you guys were a better place to go, so.

CLINIC: Okay. How old are you?

CALLER: Well, I’ll be 14 in March.


CALLER: My friend also told me that you guys would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could you guys — or could he just sign whatever and you wouldn’t have to say anything?

CLINIC: No, he has to be — it has to be a parent, a brother, sister, aunt and uncle or grandparent over the age of 25.


CLINIC: Or there is another way you can do it. You can go through the court system and be granted what they call a judicial bypass.

CALLER: What is that?

CLINIC: A judicial bypass is where you go and sit in front of a judge and a judge deems whether or not you’re responsible enough to make a decision to have an abortion. And it’s done through the Milwaukee County Court System.

CALLER: Well, do I need a lawyer for that?

CLINIC: Yep. They hook you up with a public defender that takes care of those things.

CALLER: Well, how much does that cost?

CLINIC: That I do not know.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, do you know if the judge ever says no?

CLINIC: They can, yes. I mean, I can’t guarantee you that he’s going to grant you, that he’s going to say yes. I mean, it depends on the individual, depends on the situation, depends on all those things.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, if I came in for a pregnancy test, like I would want my boyfriend to be there with me. Would that be all right?

CLINIC: Yeah. That would be fine.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if the pregnancy test came out that I wasn’t pregnant, do you guys do birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: Would you guys have to tell anybody that I was on birth control though?

CLINIC: Nope. We’re protected by Wisconsin state statute that states you have the right to receive birth control without your parents knowing about it.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, it’s just my boyfriend and I talked about it, and we just don’t want anybody to know about us. Would you guys have to say anything or have him sign anything?

CLINIC: No. You’re — all your services are confidential here.

CALLER: All right. Well, would it be all right like since — It’s just I don’t drive yet. Would it be all right if he picked up the birth control or anything?

CLINIC: Yeah. He can pick up your pills, but you’d have to come in and have an exam before we can even give you birth control pills.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Okay.

CLINIC: Did you want to set up an appointment for something like that?

CALLER: Well, I’d have to call him to see, but yeah I think so.

CLINIC: Okay. Why don’t you call and check with him first and then give us a call back. Okay?

CALLER: Okay. Let me call him and then I’ll call you back. What was your name?

CLINIC: My name is Jodie. I’m the nurse.

CALLER: Okay. Thanks.

CLINIC: Okay, sure. Um-hmm. Bye.


(phone clicks)


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#665 – Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin Rapids, WI

Listen to the Call:


TAPE – 665

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood. This is Nancy. May I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: No, we don’t.

CALLER: Oh. Okay. Well, do you know of anybody that does?

CLINIC: The Appleton Planned Parenthood and Milwaukee.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you have that phone number for the one in Appleton?

CLINIC: Yeah. Hold on. 920-731-9534.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know like — The main problem I have is, well, I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend said that they would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever it is, and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: Oh, you’ll need to call them and find that out.

CALLER: Oh. All right.


CALLER: Well, could I come in there for a pregnancy test just to make sure I am pregnant?

CLINIC: When was the last time you had a period?

CALLER: It was January 3rd.

CLINIC: January 3rd.


CLINIC: Okay. So you missed a whole period.


CLINIC: Okay. Are you a patient of ours?


CLINIC: Okay. You’ll need to come in and fill out some paperwork. And there is a charge for that.

CALLER: Okay. Well, my boyfriend said that he would take care of everything. So is that all right if he was there with me?

CLINIC: Um-hmm.


CLINIC: Okay. Did you want to come in today?

CALLER: Well, I don’t know. I’d have to talk to him and see what time he can bring me.

CLINIC: Okay. Well, figure it out. We’re open Monday and Thursdays. And you would need to be here pretty soon if you’re coming in today, or you can come in Thursday. Did you do an over-the-counter pregnancy test?

CALLER: No. I didn’t know that those were right.

CLINIC: That’s pretty much the same thing we use —

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: — with a urine sample.

CALLER: Oh. Well, I would just really feel better if I had you guys do it. But if it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control there?

CLINIC: Um-hmm.

CALLER: Well, would you have to tell anybody if I was getting birth control pills?

CLINIC: No. No, you can consent for your own treatment here.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Okay. You don’t know if I have to tell them about an abortion though?

CLINIC: I’m sorry, what?

CALLER: You don’t know if I have to —

CLINIC: I think you do need consent for that.

CALLER: Oh. Well, do you know if there’s any way around that?

CLINIC: You need to call them and ask them.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: Okay. So I could come in there for a pregnancy test and maybe birth control?


CALLER: Okay. All right. So —

CLINIC: And call me back when you can figure out when you can come in, and I’ll schedule you an appointment.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Okay. Thank you.




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