#391 – Planned Parenthood in Kenosha, WI

Listen to the Call:

618 55TH ST. # 121
KENOSHA, WI 53140-3753

TAPE – 391

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood Kenosha. This is Becky.

CALLER: Hi. Did I talk to you recently? I don’t know.

CLINIC: I don’t think so.

CALLER: Oh, okay. I’m sorry. My boyfriend gave me a whole bunch of numbers to call. I was actually wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: No, not at this location. Milwaukee does.


CLINIC: Did you want their 800 number?

CALLER: Yes, please.

CLINIC: Okay. Just one second please.


CLINIC: Okay. That would be 1-800-472-2703.

CALLER: All right.


CALLER: Well, do you know like — I’m just really worried because like my friend told me that since like I’ll be 14 in March, that my parents would have to know. But my boyfriend’s 22. Can he just sign whatever, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody you think?

CLINIC: I’m not too sure. I don’t think that they would give that information out, but you’d really need to call that number and find out.

CALLER: Okay. Well, could I come there for a pregnancy test then?

CLINIC: Yeah, you can come here for pregnancy tests.

CALLER: Okay. I’m just really worried ’cause, well, I haven’t had my period since like December 14th, and I’m scared.

CLINIC: Okay. Yeah, that’s fine if you want to come in for that, and then they’ll refer you up if you need.

CALLER: All right. Well, I would just really feel better if my boyfriend was there with me, but I don’t want anybody to know about him. Would that be all right though?

CLINIC: Oh, that’s fine, yeah. Everything’s completely confidential.


CLINIC: Yeah, we don’t tell anybody anything.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant after the pregnancy test, could I come in and get birth control too?

CLINIC: They would do an exam and see if everything’s okay, and then, yeah, they’d hook you up if everything’s all right.

CALLER: Okay. But they wouldn’t have to tell anybody that I was on birth control?

CLINIC: I don’t believe so, no.

CALLER: All right. Since like I don’t drive or anything, would my boyfriend be able to pick up the pills?

CLINIC: If you sign one of those release consensuals to allow somebody to pick them up for you, then you would be able to.

CALLER: Okay. Okay.


CALLER: And your name was Becky?

CLINIC: Right.

CALLER: Okay. Thank you.

CLINIC: You’re welcome.




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#200 – Planned Parenthood in Madison, WI

Listen to the Call:

2202 S. PARK ST.
MADISON, WI 53713-1916

TAPE – 200

(dialing sound) (ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. This is Kim. How can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: No, we don’t.

CALLER: You don’t? Do you know of any place that does?

CLINIC: I can give you the phone number to the Madison Abortion Clinic.


CLINIC: 251-5900.

CALLER: 5900?


CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know like if — like my friend told me you guys have to tell my parents before I can have an abortion. Is that true?

CLINIC: Um, you’re under the age of 18?

CALLER: I’ll be 14 in March.

CLINIC: Okay. The Wisconsin law says that you have to have written consent of a parent or a close relative.

CALLER: Is there any way to get around that? Like I can’t tell my parents because like my boyfriend’s 22 and we’re going to get married, but like they can’t find out at all because they hate him. They think he’s too old for me.

CLINIC: Uh-huh. Do you have an older brother or sister, aunt or uncle, grandparent?

CALLER: No. Uh-uh.

CLINIC: Okay. There is a way to get around it, but you would have to go to court for it.

CALLER: Oh. Well, what would I do?

CLINIC: Hold on one second.

CALLER: All right.


CLINIC: Okay, thanks for holding. Actually, there is the state of Illinois does not have that law.


CLINIC: Their Rockford Abortion Clinic would be able to do that without parental consent.

CALLER: Okay. Do you have their number?

CLINIC: I don’t.

CALLER: Oh, all right.


CALLER: Well, they wouldn’t have to tell my parents or anybody at all?


CALLER: Okay. Well, do you guys like actually do the pregnancy tests there?


CALLER: Do you have to tell my parents for that?

CLINIC: No. You can come in on Monday for that. We’re open 12 to 5.

CALLER: Is it okay if my boyfriend brings me?



CLINIC: You’d have to be here by 4:00 probably though.

CALLER: 4:00? All right. Well, he was actually wondering about birth control too. Do you guys do that there?

CLINIC: Yeah, but — we can. But obviously we’ll have to wait until after the abortion to make an appointment for you.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you guys have to —

CLINIC: You will probably have to have a checkup after that too, so you could do that here if you wanted.

CALLER: Oh, all right. Well, do you guys have to tell anybody if I’m on birth control?




CALLER: Okay. Okay.


CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: Yeah. Bye bye.


(phone clicks)


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#397 – Planned Parenthood in Madison, WI

Listen to the Call:

MADISON, WI 53703-4302

TAPE – 397

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

RECORDING: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood. We are located at 416 West Miflin (ph) Street. On Friday February 15th the clinic will be closed. For hours of operation, please press 3 or press zero for — (dial button pressed) Our clinic hours are Mondays, 11 to 2, 3 to 6. Mondays are our walk-in day. Tuesdays it’s by appointment 9 to 4. Wednesdays are by appointment 1 to 5. Thursdays are by appointment 11 to 6. And Fridays are walk in days 9 to 2. We are located at — (dial button pressed). Please hold while I try that extension.

CLINIC: Madison Planned Parenthood. Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: No, we don’t.

CALLER: Do you know of anyplace that does?

CLINIC: Yeah. The only place in Madison is the Madison Abortion Clinic. And their number — do you have a pen handy?


CLINIC: 251-5900 is their number.



CALLER: Well, do you know like — I’m just really scared because my friend told me that since like I’ll be 14 in March, that they would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever, and you guys wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: Unfortunately it does have to be a family member.

CALLER: Oh. Is there any way not to have to? ‘Cause if my — I don’t know.

CLINIC: Do you have any brothers or sisters or extended family?


CLINIC: No? Okay. Then the only other thing is that you can go to court. What do they call it? Like request that they grant you — like I forget the name of it, but request that you can get out of that. And I don’t know what that process is like. But if you were to call the clinic, the Madison Abortion Clinic, I bet you anything they could give you more information on that.

CALLER: Do you know if they ever say no?

CLINIC: No. You know, I don’t know. Just because we don’t perform them here I don’t have the details. But like I said, I bet that they would be able to give you more information at the Madison Abortion Clinic if you could give them a call.



CALLER: Well, would it be all right to come in there for a pregnancy test?

CLINIC: Have you taken a home one yet?

CALLER: Well, no. I’m just really scared because like my last period was like December 14th, and I’m just worried.

CLINIC: Are you having any other symptoms?

CALLER: Not that I know of.

CLINIC: No? Okay. Yeah. On Monday between 12:30 and 6:00 we do pregnancy testing, and you can just walk in for that on Monday.

CALLER: Okay. Well, would you have to tell anybody that I was there for that?

CLINIC: No, definitely not.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I would really like if my boyfriend was there. Would that be all right?

CLINIC: Sure. That’s completely fine. That’s great.

CALLER: He’s just worried that you guys would ask a lot of questions. Would he have to sign anything?

CLINIC: Nothing, absolutely not.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: He can just come for support.



CALLER: Well, if turned out that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control there?

CLINIC: Possibly that day, or on another day we could definitely do that for you.

CALLER: Okay. Well, would you have to tell anybody that I was on birth control though?

CLINIC: No. It’s completely confidential. So nobody would have access to that knowledge except for you or anybody you allowed to have access to it.

CALLER: It’s just my boyfriend and I don’t want to have to go through all this again.

CLINIC: Right, definitely. Yeah. So yeah, we could definitely do that. That would be really smart it sounds like.



CALLER: Well, thanks.

CLINIC: You’re welcome.

CALLER: Could I call and talk to you if I had any other questions?

CLINIC: Absolutely.

CALLER: What’s your name?

CLINIC: Chelsea (sp).



CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: You’re welcome. Bye bye.



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#753 – Madison Abortion Clinic in Madison, WI

Listen to the Call:


TAPE – 753

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Dr. Christensen’s (ph) office. May I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how much does it cost for that?

CLINIC: $350 for 12 weeks and under, then the price goes up. You also need counseling and ultra sound, which is $100.

CALLER: Okay. How do you know how far you are?

CLINIC: We do an ultra sound.

CALLER: Okay. Well, my last period was January 3rd. Does that help you in any way.

CLINIC: You’d be under 12 weeks, so you’d be 350.

CALLER: Okay. All right. Well, it’s just the thing is, I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend said that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: No. He wouldn’t be able to sign for you.

CALLER: Oh. So my parents would have to know then?

CLINIC: Right.

CALLER: Oh. Well, is there any way that my parents don’t have to know?

CLINIC: You can call the state public defender’s office and see if you can get a judicial bypass. They’re pretty easy to get for teenagers.

CALLER: What is that?

CLINIC: It’s where you go in front of a judge. It’s a real informal setting. And it’s a free service. So they basically want to make sure that you’re sure of your decision and that no one’s forcing you.

CALLER: Well, no. I mean, we’re in love. We’re going to get married.

CLINIC: You’re 13?

CALLER: Uh-huh. Well, I’ll be 14 on the 19th.

CLINIC: Okay. Well, I can give you the number. Do your parents know you’re dating him?

CALLER: Yeah. I mean, he works with my dad. They just don’t know we’re having sex. I mean, if they found out about that, I don’t know what they would do.


CLINIC: Okay. The number is 266-9150. And you can give them a call.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I haven’t had a pregnancy test yet. Would I be able to come in there for that?

CLINIC: We do pregnancy testing Tuesday to Friday, 8 to 3.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how much does it cost for that?

CLINIC: It’s free.

CALLER: But would anybody have to know if I was getting a pregnancy test?


CALLER: Oh, okay. All right. Well, if it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant, do you guys have birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: Okay. But would you have to tell anybody if I was on birth control?


CALLER: Oh. Well, how much does it cost for birth control?

CLINIC: That I’m not sure. You’d have to call back tomorrow when the physician’s assistant is in.

CALLER: Oh, all right. Well, are they home pregnancy tests or —

CLINIC: No, it’s a clinic test.

CALLER: Oh, okay. So they’re better than the home pregnancy ones?

CLINIC: Um-hmm.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how much does it cost for all of that then?

CLINIC: The pregnancy test is free. If you’re pregnant, it would be $450 total.

CALLER: Okay. All right. My boyfriend said that — We were talking about all this, and he said he was going to pay for everything with cash. But he just doesn’t want anyone to know about us. If he was paying, would he have to fill out any forms?


CALLER: Are you sure?


CALLER: Okay. All right. So if I had any other questions I could think of, could I call and talk to you? What was your name?

CLINIC: My name is Carla.

CALLER: Okay. All right. And when do you normally do the pregnancy tests?

CLINIC: Tuesday through Friday, 8 to 3.

CALLER: 8 to 3, okay. All right. So how long does it usually take?

CLINIC: If we’re not too busy, 5 or 10 minutes.

CALLER: Oh, all right. So could I come like on my boyfriend’s lunch break or whatever?


CALLER: It’s just he would have to take me. I don’t have any other way to get there.

CLINIC: Sure, that would be fine.

CALLER: Okay. All right. Thanks.

CLINIC: You’re welcome. Bye bye.



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#526 – Planned Parenthood in Marshfield, WI

Listen to the Call:

603 E. 3RD ST.
MARSHFILED, WI 54449-4512

TAPE – 526

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood. This is Amy. Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?


CALLER: Oh. Well, do you know of anybody that does?

CLINIC: The closest abortion clinic is in Appleton.

CALLER: Okay. Do you have that number?

CLINIC: Yeah. Hold on one moment.


CLINIC: Have you had a positive pregnancy test?

CALLER: Well, no. Not yet.

CLINIC: Not yet?

CALLER: Uh-uh. I’m just really scared because like, well, I haven’t had my period since like December 21st, and I’m scared.

CLINIC: Have you done a home pregnancy test?



CALLER: I didn’t know that those were right.

CLINIC: Well, they’re as accurate as the one that I can do here, as one the doctor could do — other than a blood test.

CALLER: Oh. It’s just the thing is, I’m really worried about all this because like, well, I’m going to be 14 in March, and my friend told me that they would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: The state of Wisconsin requires written permission from an adult relative, 25 or older.

CALLER: Oh. Well, is there any way not to tell my parents though? I mean, I don’t know anyone else besides him that’s older than that.

CLINIC: Well, you could go to a judge and we could help you get that set up.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how much does that cost?

CLINIC: Well, to go to the judge to have a judicial bypass is free because it would go through the county. But for me to sign you up and everything I’d have to run the pregnancy test and have a positive pregnancy test here in order to do that.

CALLER: Well, how much does that cost?

CLINIC: I think it’s probably going to be like $50 or $60. But you also need to know that the state of Wisconsin laws, that is such that you have to have at least 24 hours from a counseling visit at the abortion clinic to the actual procedure. And they only do procedures in Appleton during the week.

CALLER: Okay. Well, my boyfriend said that he would pay for everything. It’s just, would he have to — he just doesn’t want to have anybody to tell anybody, like he doesn’t want my parents to find out. So —

CLINIC: Well, the reason he doesn’t want your parents to find out is because they’ll probably press charges against him. And even if they don’t —

CALLER: Why? What for?

CLINIC: Well, even at — for statutory rape because he’s —

CALLER: But he’s not raping me. I mean, we’re in love. We’re going to get married.

CLINIC: No. No. I’m not saying he is. But because he’s over the age of 18 and you’re only 14, it’s against the law for him to be having intercourse with – you no matter what. And even if they don’t press charges, the state of Wisconsin might.

CALLER: Well, what could happen?

CLINIC: He could go to jail.

CALLER: Well, who would tell on him?

CLINIC: I certainly wouldn’t. But — I’m not saying anybody really would.


CLINIC: But it is against the law. I mean, if you — he probably doesn’t want you to tell your parents because they could press charges.

CALLER: He said it was — he didn’t want me to get in trouble.

CLINIC: Well, that’s — you know, that could be the other thing. He doesn’t want you in trouble.

CALLER: Well, could we come in there together if, to get a pregnancy test? Because he would be the only way I could get there.

CLINIC: Yes. We can schedule a pregnancy test for you.

CALLER: Oh. But would he get in trouble?

CLINIC: I’m not going to turn him in. The nurse practitioner that works here isn’t going to turn him in. She’s probably going to lecture him a little bit.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: He’ll probably hear a little bit of lecturing, but I certainly wouldn’t turn him in. And neither would she.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: But, you know, if you have — do you have like a cousin or aunt or uncle or somebody that would take you to the abortion that’s over the age of 25?

CALLER: No, I don’t have any relatives up here.


CALLER: All my family lives in Texas, so.

CLINIC: Okay. Are your parents here?

CALLER: Well, yeah. I mean, I live with my parents. But I can’t tell them at all.

CLINIC: Right. Let me look at the schedule for today and then I can tell you when I can have you come in.

CALLER: Well, if I went to the judge, would I have to tell him about my boyfriend though?

CLINIC: I don’t know. I don’t know about how — I’ve never had to do a judicial bypass before. But the nurse practitioner has had to do that before. She would know more about that than I do.

CALLER: Oh. Do you know if they ever say no?

CLINIC: No. As far as I know, they’ve never said no.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: I mean, if your age is — if you’re 14, he’s going to probably guarantee pretty much do it because you’re so young. But if you told the judge that your boyfriend’s 25, he may —

CALLER: He’s only 22.

CLINIC: Or 22, he may turn him in.


CLINIC: Okay? If you two were married, he could sign off for it. But you’re not married, and you can’t get married in the state of Wisconsin without your parents’ permission.


CLINIC: Do your parents know that you’re dating him?

CALLER: Well, yeah. They just don’t really like him. But they don’t know we’re having sex. I mean, if they found out about that, I don’t know what they would do.

CLINIC: Right. You have school until 3:00?

CALLER: Well, I’m home-schooled.

CLINIC: You’re home-schooled?


CLINIC: Okay. The office opens at 11:00. When do you want to come in then? What we have open is an 11:45, a 12:45 or anything from 1:00 until 2:00 in 15-minute increments, and then we have like a 2:45 and a 3:00. When could he bring you?

CALLER: Probably at lunchtime. Is the 12:45 one all right?

CLINIC: That’s fine.

CALLER: Okay. The main reason why I’m wondering about all this is because I haven’t had my period since like December 21st. And if I came in for a pregnancy test, is there any way that I wouldn’t be pregnant, you think?

CLINIC: Well, it’s a possibility. You’re still young. It’s like your system is probably still growing. And it’s possible that you’re going to have abnormal periods for several years before it regulates out. And it’s possible that all of a sudden it can just quit. You know, if you’ve had a normal period for a year and then all of a sudden it will just quit for a few months, that’s pretty normal at your young age. I’m not guaranteeing that’s what’s going on. What we can do is, we can run a pregnancy test. Have you guys used any kind of birth control whatsoever at all?

CALLER: No. That’s what I was going to ask you next, if we could get on birth control if I wasn’t pregnant.

CLINIC: If the pregnancy comes back negative, we can look at getting you on something to start, like the pills is usually the pretty easiest one to start.

CALLER: Okay. But nobody would have to know if I was on birth control?

CLINIC: Not unless you told them.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Because everything remains confidential here. It would be like going in Marshfields clinic into a doctor’s office. Okay? Let’s see. What’s your last name?

CALLER: It’s Smith.



CLINIC: First name?

CALLER: Christine.

CLINIC: Is that with a “K” or a “C”?


CLINIC: It’s “T-I-N-E”?


CLINIC: Compared — like looking to see if there’s any Christine Smiths in the system. (laughs) Have you ever been seen in a Planned Parenthood in the state of Wisconsin before?


CLINIC: Okay. All right, what’s your street address?

CALLER: Oh. Well, is it all right if I give you like my boyfriend’s?

CLINIC: You can give me his.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I just don’t know it right now, but could I call you back and —

CLINIC: Well, no, you can just give it to me when you’re here.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: That’s some of the information that we ask for. Do you live in Marshfield here?

CALLER: I live in Stratford.

CLINIC: What’s the zip code in Stratford?

CALLER: I’m not really sure. We just moved here. So.

CLINIC: All right. Do you have a phone number that we can reach you at?

CALLER: My boyfriend has a cell phone that he just got, but I don’t know the number for that either.


CALLER: Is it all right if I give you that this afternoon?

CLINIC: You can give me that information when you come in.

CALLER: Okay. Well, what else would you need if I, when I come in?

CLINIC: What we need — well, you probably don’t work at all.

CALLER: Right.

CLINIC: And you live with your parents?


CLINIC: Okay. Basically what we need is a billing address, some place we can send a bill if he doesn’t pay all of it today.

CALLER: Well, he said he would pay for everything.

CLINIC: Right. Some way —

CALLER: How much would it be today?

CLINIC: I’m going to figure it’s going to be about $50 bucks.


CLINIC: Just off the top of my head, all right? It’s probably going to be less than that, but that’s just a guess, depending upon how much we have to do. And if you’re not pregnant then we can put you on the pill, and then you can take a couple packs of pills and —

CALLER: Well, if I needed the abortion, how much would that be?

CLINIC: Needed to have what?

CALLER: The abortion, like if I was pregnant and I was going to get an abortion? How much is an abortion?

CLINIC: To give you a good guess, about $400.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: I’m not — you know, I don’t have the fees here in this office for the abortions because we’re just a family planning clinic. But I can give you all that — you know, I will give you the number to call Appleton.


CLINIC: It’s an 800 number that you can call there, and they could tell you how much it would be for that kind of thing.

CALLER: Okay. So if he brought $50 today, no one would have to be billed or anything?

CLINIC: Right.


CLINIC: Right. But we still need a billing address. They do not send any mail to anybody unless we say yes, but we need to have a billing address. We also need —

CALLER: Is it all right if I give you my boyfriend’s address?

CLINIC: That’s fine.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Give me his address, and then I also need a phone number, some way to reach you, either his home phone number or his cell phone number, whatever. Okay?

CALLER: All right. Okay. So is it all right if I call you back with that then?

CLINIC: You can give me that when you come in.

CALLER: Oh, all right. Okay. So 12:45 today?

CLINIC: Yeah. We’ll see you at 12:45 for a pregnancy test and then we’ll go from there on what other services you may or may not need.

CALLER: Okay. Who would I talk to when I get there?

CLINIC: Just check in at the front desk here. When you walk in the door there’s a window. Just check in by the window. Who is ever here will help you.


CLINIC: Okay? It’s usually Nancy, but whoever is by the window will help you.

CALLER: Okay. And what was your name again?

CLINIC: I’m Amy.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: I’m the medical assistant, so I’ll be the one running the pregnancy test and talking to the two of you when you’re here and then determining what we need to do and how we’re going to do it. Okay?

CALLER: Okay. And you’re sure that no one would have to know that I’m there?

CLINIC: Nobody will know that you are here.



CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Unless you tell them.

CALLER: Oh. Okay.

CLINIC: And I just want you to know, I do encourage all of my young patients to tell parents.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: I really do. I feel that it’s the best to be open and honest with them. Okay?

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: I’m not going to go and call them and tell them.


CLINIC: That’s not my place, but I do encourage my patients to talk to their parents, especially if they’re pregnant and they’re seeking an abortion.



CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: All right? Well, see you when you get here at 12:45.





(phone clicks)


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