#616 – Planned Parenthood in Tacoma, WA

Listen to the Call:

TACOMA, WA 98405-4147

TAPE – 616

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

RECORDING: Thank you for calling Tacoma Planned Parenthood. Please listen to all the following options before making your selection. Our options include recorded messages for hours, directions, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception, and after-hour emergencies. You may press zero at anytime to speak to a staff person (dial button pressed). Please hold for an operator.

(phone ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Tacoma Planned Parenthood. This is Allison.

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Yes, we do. Could I put you on hold for just a second?

CALLER: All right.


(call disconnected)

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

RECORDING: (Message partly repeated) (dial button pressed). Please hold for the operator.

(phone ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Tacoma Planned Parenthood. This is Allison.

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was just on hold, and I had to hang up real quick because my friend’s mom came in.

CLINIC: Okay. We only do procedures on Tuesdays. Does that work for you?

CALLER: Well, I was actually wondering if I could ask you a quick question.

CLINIC: Oh, yeah.

CALLER: It’s just, well, I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents.


CALLER: But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever it is, and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: Can you hold on just for a minute?

CALLER: All right.


CLINIC: Thanks for holding. Okay. No, he can’t sign for you. But since you are pregnant, you’re emancipated. So you can sign for the procedure yourself.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, I wasn’t really sure if I was pregnant. I just haven’t had my period since like December 26th, and I’m just really worried.

CLINIC: Is there any way that you could come in for a test?

CALLER: Yeah. When?

CLINIC: Well, is there any way that you could come in today? Are you busy, are you at school?

CALLER: Well, what time today?

CLINIC: Well, we do pregnancy testing between 12 and 2. And if you want to come in some time — I mean, just let me know a good time for you. That would be great if you could.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I would have to call my boyfriend to see. But how much does the pregnancy —

CLINIC: It doesn’t cost anything.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how much does an abortion cost?

CLINIC: It’s based on your monthly income. And since you’re not working, what I would do is give you some paperwork to fill out for the state of Washington so that they can pay for it.

CALLER: Well, would they have to tell my parents though?

CLINIC: No. Your parents would not know.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: So if you think you could come during those hours today; if not, at anytime do you think you might be able to come in?

CALLER: Well, yeah. I’d have to call him though. But we were talking about all this, and we decided we don’t want a whole bunch of people to know about us. But he said he was going to pay for everything. If he was paying though, would he have to sign anything?


CALLER: Oh, okay. All right. Well, if it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, do you guys do birth control there too?

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, would anybody have to know about birth control though?

CLINIC: No, based on confidentiality.

CALLER: Oh, okay. All right. So if he could bring me in before 2:00 that would be best?

CLINIC: Yes, it would be.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: And if not, just give us — can I have your name so I can just let the people up front know? That if you can’t come by 2 — we close at 4. If there’s any way that you could come in anytime before then would be great.


CLINIC: Okay, what’s your name?

CALLER: My name is Lisa.



CLINIC: Okay. Thanks, Lisa.

CALLER: No problem.

CLINIC: Okay. Bye bye.

CALLER: And you are Allison?

(call disconnected)


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#617 – Lakewood Planned Parenthood in Tacoma, WA

Listen to the Call:

10510 GRAVELLY LAKE DR. # 214
TACOMA, WA 98499-5038

TAPE – 617

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

RECORDING: Thank you for calling the Lakewood Planned Parenthood Clinic. Please listen to all of the following options before making your selection. Our options include reported messages for hours, directions and after-hour emergencies. You can press zero at anytime to speak to a staff person (dial button pressed). Please hold for an operator.

(phone ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Good morning, Planned Parenthood. This is Beth.

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: At our Tacoma Clinic. And that number is 779-3900.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know — I’m just worried ’cause like my friend told me that since like — Well, I’m going to be 14 this month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it, and you guys wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: Well, 22 is a little bit too old for a 14-year-old.

CALLER: What do you mean?

CLINIC: It’s against the law.


CLINIC: Because he’s an adult and you’re a minor.

CALLER: So would he get in trouble?


CALLER: Well, what kind of trouble?

CLINIC: Well, like I said, it’s against the law for that.

CALLER: Well, what could happen?

CLINIC: Well, I don’t know what would happen. He could be charged.

CALLER: For what?

CLINIC: Because you’re under age. You’re a child in the eyes of the court.

CALLER: Oh. Well, I’ll be 14.

CLINIC: (Chuckles) You’re still a child in the eyes of the court. That’s how that is, and it would be against the law.

CALLER: Well, what can I do?

CLINIC: Well, you need to —

CALLER: I mean, I don’t want him to get in trouble.

CLINIC: Well, he should be. (laughs)


CLINIC: Because he should be. Anyway, what you need to do is find out first — Do you know if you’re pregnant?

CALLER: Well, not really. I just haven’t had my period since like December 26th, and I’m just scared.

CLINIC: Okay. Well, what you need to do is come in for a pregnancy test first.



CALLER: But if I come in you would get my boyfriend in trouble?

CLINIC: I didn’t say that. I’m just telling you what could be the repercussions of all this.


CLINIC: We’re giving pregnancy tests — No, you won’t be able to do it until Tuesday now, Tuesday at 10:30 to 12:30 in the morning.

CALLER: Well, how much does it cost for that?

CLINIC: There’s no charge.

CALLER: Oh. But would you have to tell anybody if I was there for that?


CALLER: Oh, all right. Well, if I got the pregnancy test and I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes, you can.

CALLER: Oh. But would you have to tell anybody about that?


CALLER: Oh, okay. It’s just my parents can’t find out at all. ‘Cause like they know me and my boyfriend —

CLINIC: He is an adult and you are a minor. Like I said, it’s against the law.

CALLER: Well, would you have to tell my parents?

CLINIC: No. I’m telling you.

CALLER: Yeah. Okay. Well, what should I do then?

CLINIC: Well, I can’t tell you what to do. I would recommend that you come in for a pregnancy test, if you’re concerned about being pregnant.

CALLER: But would anyone get in trouble if I was there though?


CALLER: Oh. All right. Okay. But if it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant I could get birth control and nobody would have to know anything?

CLINIC: That’s correct.

CALLER: All right.


CALLER: So do you think it’s possible that I’m not pregnant though?

CLINIC: Well, I have no idea. I’d have to have you tested first.

CALLER: Oh, all right.



CLINIC: So if you can try to come in next week we’ll give you a free pregnancy test, and we’ll go from there and see what happens.

CALLER: All right. Okay.


CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: All righty.

CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: Bye bye.


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#624 – Planned Parenthood in Walla Walla, WA

Listen to the Call:

828 S. 1ST AVE.
WALLA WALLA, WA 99362-4003

TAPE – 624

(dialing sound) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Good afternoon. Planned Parenthood.

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: We don’t. The closest place you could get one done would be in the Tri-Cities, and they only do first trimester.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you have a number for that?

CLINIC: Uh-huh. It’s 783-2859.



CALLER: Well, do you know — I’m just kind of worried because, well, I’m going to be 14 later on this month. But my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22.


CALLER: Could he just sign whatever it is and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: No. You would actually be responsible for your own self. Your boyfriend couldn’t sign anything for you.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: If you wanted to get services through us, you could. We don’t release any information unless you give us permission to.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: Well, it’s just the thing is, the main reason why I’m worried about all this is I haven’t had my period since like December 26th, and I’m just scared.

CLINIC: Yeah. What I would probably do is go ahead and schedule an appointment to at least have a pregnancy test done.

CALLER: Well, could I come in and do that with you guys?

CLINIC: Well, yeah. Let me — hold on a second, okay?

CALLER: All right.


CLINIC: — schedule an appointment?

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: Okay. We can go ahead and do that for you. Did you want to come in on Monday and have that done?

CALLER: Well, I would have to call my boyfriend to see. But do you know like if the pregnancy test came out that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control there?

CLINIC: Uh-huh. We could go ahead and schedule an appointment and get you started on birth control. We would go over any birth control methods you were interested in and give you information on that. And then we would need to schedule an appointment for either to have a full exam or to have us just review your medical history and okay you for birth control. So if you want to check with him, you can do that and then you can just give me a call back and we can go ahead and schedule that.

CALLER: Okay. So what was your name?

CLINIC: Connie. And your options are as, far as scheduling an appointment, Monday, Tuesdays or Thursdays.


CLINIC: Okay? So check with him and then give us a call back.

CALLER: Well, if I was getting birth control, could — It’s just the thing is, I can’t drive yet. Could my boyfriend pick up the pills?

CLINIC: If you give us permission and you put his name on the form, he can.

CALLER: Okay. And nobody would have to know anything about it?

CLINIC: No, we don’t release information unless you give us permission to.

CALLER: All right.


CALLER: Okay, thanks.

CLINIC: Uh-huh. Bye bye.


(phone clicks)


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#621 – Planned Parenthood in Yakima, WA

Listen to the Call:

208 N. 3RD AVE.
YAKIMA, WA 98902-2688

TAPE – 621

(dialing sound) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Good afternoon. Planned Parenthood.

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if — Well, do you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: No, we do not.

CALLER: Oh. Well, do you know of anybody that does?

CLINIC: Here in Yakima Valley?

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: Have you had a pregnancy test that was done at a clinic yet?


CLINIC: Do you have proof of pregnancy?

CALLER: Well, I just haven’t had my period since like December 26th. So I’m just worried about it.

CLINIC: Okay. There is a clinic here. There’s other providers, but you do need referrals for that in order for you to go in to have that done — if you are pregnant. But we can schedule an appointment for a pregnancy test if you’d like.

CALLER: Well, if I wasn’t pregnant could I get birth control there?

CLINIC: You sure can.

CALLER: Okay. But would you have to — It’s just the thing is —

CLINIC: We would do the pregnancy test first.

CALLER: Oh. Well, the thing is, I’m going to be 14 next month and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of everything and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: We don’t — We are Planned Parenthood. We are strictly confidential. We don’t tell your parents.


CLINIC: Unless you want us to, but we don’t.

CALLER: Well, no.

CLINIC: Like say for instance your mom called to say, “well my daughter was in there, you know.” I’m sorry. We can’t — you know. If she says, you know, “can you look?” or whatever, we cannot. We won’t tell anybody anything unless we have something in writing from you.


CLINIC: Okaying us, saying you can tell Dr. So and So what was done at my visit here with us. But unless we have written consent from you, we do not give any information out to anyone.

CALLER: Okay. Well, it’s just me and my boyfriend were talking about all this, and he said that he was going to pay for everything, but we just don’t want anyone to know about us. So like if he was paying for it would he have to sign anything?

CLINIC: Being that we don’t do the abortions here, we have — and being that you’re pregnant and you need, you want to have an abortion, we can give you referrals for like medical coupons.

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: And the medical coupon would pay for that service. So your boyfriend wouldn’t have to pay for it – the state would.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: But would the state have to — Would the state know and have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: No. Not at all.


CLINIC: No. Your parents don’t find out about that either. Of course, when you come in if you do qualify for medical coupons, then if you don’t — They’ll probably send them to you in the mail so one think you would want to remember is don’t put the address – your home parents address – put your boyfriend’s address.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: So that way they go to his house and not to your house.


CLINIC: And you’re 14?

CALLER: Well, I’ll be 14 on the 9th.

CLINIC: Okay. We do have Teen Clinic today. We see 19 and younger every Friday between 1 and 5. So you’re more than welcome to come in today on a walk-in basis, and we can do a pregnancy test and then give you any referrals or numbers that you may need for whatever choice you decide.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: And we are strictly confidential. Let me mention that again.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant and I was on birth control — It’s just the thing is, I’m not old enough to drive yet. Could my boyfriend pick up the pills?

CLINIC: When you come in, you fill out a form and then on the form it asks you for an alternate person. Like say for instance you can’t come in, you want to put him on there to pick up pills for you, then if you put it on there. Then yes, he can come.



CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: And like I said, we’re here between 1 and 5. And the sooner you get here, the better it is. Because sometimes we get busy but sometimes we’re not. But the sooner that you can get here to be seen we’ll be able to see you for whatever visit you have today.



CALLER: I just wish I could talk to my mom like I talk to you.

CLINIC: Ohh. I’m sorry. You know, I wish you could. You know, it’s hard I know. Parents just can’t understand. But I don’t know. But you know, if you ever have any questions, whether you come here or not in the future, you’re more than welcome to call. And we always have counselors that are, you know, we’re always willing to help. Even if you wanted a phone number for Safeway, you know, we’d be able to give that to you. You know, if you ever feel that you need to speak to someone, you can always call and talk to someone here. You don’t even have to come in person, you can call on the phone.

CALLER: Well, could I call and talk to you if I thought of anything else?

CLINIC: Oh, sure.

CALLER: What was your name?

CLINIC: My name is Adella.

CALLER: All right. Thanks.

CLINIC: Okay? You’re welcome.


CLINIC: Bye bye.

(phone clicks)


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