#357 – Planned Parenthood in Omaha, NE

Listen to the Call:

5404 AMES AVE.
OMAHA, NE 68104-2898

TAPE – 357

(Dialing, phone ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. This is Dee.

CALLER: Hi. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Nope. I can give you a number.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: It’s 322-6650.

CALLER: Okay. Well, where is that exactly?

CLINIC: That’s Planned Parenthood in Council Bluffs.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: Can I ask a question real quick?


CALLER: It’s just I’m scared because like my friend told me that like — well like I’ll be 14 in March, and she said that my parents would have to know about it. But my boyfriend is 22. Could he just sign whatever it is and no one would have to know anything?

CLINIC: You know, that I can’t tell you. But you can try to do judicial bypass.

CALLER: What is that?

CLINIC: And that’s when you go before a judge, and a judge will award you competency to get an abortion, says that it’s okay for you to have an abortion.

CALLER: Well, does the judge ever say no?

CLINIC: Very rarely do they say no. And, you know, if you call that clinic, they’ll set up a time for you to come in. And they’ll talk to you and go over what’s it like to be in front of the judge and some of the questions that he would ask you. But very rare do they deny them.

CALLER: Oh, okay. I’m just scared because my last period was like December 14th. Is there any way that I couldn’t be pregnant you think?

CLINIC: Have you taken a pregnancy test?


CLINIC: Well, that would be your first step.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Could I come in there for that?

CLINIC: Sure. You can do it anytime before 5:00 today.

CALLER: Well, do you have any times like tomorrow?

CLINIC: Anytime before 4:00, 9 to 4.

CALLER: Tomorrow?

CLINIC: Uh-huh.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, I really wanted my boyfriend to be there with me. Is that okay if he’s there?

CLINIC: That’s fine.

CALLER: Okay. He just doesn’t want a whole bunch of people asking questions. Does he have to sign anything if he’s there?

CLINIC: No. He doesn’t have to sign anything.

CALLER: Cause he just doesn’t want anyone to know. My parents can’t find out at all. And I’m scared that they would, because I don’t know what would happen if they found out.

CLINIC: Yeah, we’re strictly a confidential clinic. So if you come in for a pregnancy test, you don’t tell, we’re not telling.


CLINIC: Okay? Ten dollars, cash or credit card only. And like you can do it tomorrow between 9 to 4.

CALLER: If the pregnancy test was negative, do you guys have birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: Would you have to tell anybody if I was on birth control?

CLINIC: We sure wouldn’t.

CALLER: Well, do you know if it would be all right if my boyfriend came and picked it up? Because I don’t have a car. I don’t know how I’d pick it up.

CLINIC: That would be fine.

CALLER: Really?





CLINIC: All right. We’ll see you some time tomorrow.

CALLER: Okay. Thanks.

CLINIC: Uh-huh. Bye bye.



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#358 – Planned Parenthood in Omaha, NE

Listen to the Call:

4610 DODGE ST.
OMAHA, NE 68132-3289

TAPE – 358

(Dialing, phone ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. This is Becky. Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Not at this clinic.

CALLER: Well, okay. Do you know of anybody that might?

CLINIC: Yeah, the Planned Parenthood in Council Bluffs.


CLINIC: That number’s 322-6650.

CALLER: Okay. My friend actually told me like — I’ll be 14 in March, and my friend told me that they would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just take care of whatever that is?

CLINIC: I don’t think so.

CALLER: Oh. Well, is there any way not to have to tell my parents? Because they can’t find out at all.

CLINIC: There’s this thing called the judicial bypass, and you have to go and talk to a judge.

CALLER: Okay. Well, what happens? How does that work?

CLINIC: I’m not exactly sure. Can you hold on?



(call disconnected)

TAPE – 358 Pt 2: The Call Back

(Dialing, phone ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. This is Becky. Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was just on hold, and I got disconnected.

CLINIC: Oh. Oh. You’re about the judicial bypass.


CLINIC: Shoot. Alright. Ain’t nobody out here, so I didn’t get a chance to ask anybody.

CALLER: Like I’m just really scared because like my last period was like December 14th, and that’s why I’m worried about this. But do you think that there would be any way that I wasn’t pregnant?

CLINIC: Pardon me?

CALLER: Do you think that there would be any way that I wasn’t pregnant?

CLINIC: That could be.

CALLER: Really?

CLINIC: Yeah. Have you taken a pregnancy test?

CALLER: Oh. Well, no.

CLINIC: Okay. Well, that would be a good way to find out.

CALLER: Well, could I come in there for that?

CLINIC: Yeah. It’s $10 cash or credit card only.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I kind of want my boyfriend to be there with me. Is that all right?

CLINIC: That’s fine. He can come in for the pregnancy test.

CALLER: Okay. Well, you guys wouldn’t have to tell anybody that I was there, would you?

CLINIC: No way.

CALLER: Okay. He just doesn’t want anybody to know and ask a lot of questions. Like if the pregnancy test showed that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control there?

CLINIC: Yeah. But you need to get a pap smear, pelvic and breast exam then.

CALLER: Oh, okay. When would be the best time to get that done?


CALLER: The like exam and the pregnancy test and everything.

CLINIC: Okay. Well, maybe you could go ahead and just come in for a pregnancy test. You don’t have to make an appointment for that at all.


CLINIC: Okay? Just come in. We’ll be here. We’ll do it until 5:30 today and then until 4:00 tomorrow. Just come in and bring $10 cash or credit card only, and we’ll see if you’re pregnant. And then if you’re not, we’ll go ahead and set you up an appointment for your exam.

CALLER: Oh okay.


CALLER: Well, if I was on birth control, would you guys have to tell anybody anything about it?

CLINIC: No way.

CALLER: Okay. Okay. Well, I don’t drive or anything. Would it be all right if my boyfriend came and picked them up after I was on them?

CLINIC: Yeah. We give you an i.d. card, and he would just need to bring that i.d. card.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Because we’re not going to give any kind of information without that i.d. number. So that’s how we try and stay confidential that way.



CALLER: So if I did like the judicial bypass, do you think the judge would say it’s all right and everything?

CLINIC: I don’t know. You have to just prove to them that you’re mature enough.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: I’m not exactly sure how that works.

CALLER: Do you know what kind of questions they would ask?

CLINIC: I don’t. I don’t have any idea.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, if I called the clinic, the number that you gave me, would they know?

CLINIC: The abortion clinic?

CALLER: Right.

CLINIC: They might know more than I do.

CALLER: Okay. Well, when would be the best time to come in for a pregnancy test then?

CLINIC: Just anytime. We’re open today until 5:30, tomorrow from 9 to 4, and we’ll be here on Saturday from 9 to 12:30.

CALLER: And you wouldn’t have to tell anybody about me and my boyfriend or anything?


CALLER: All right.


CALLER: Okay. Thanks.

CLINIC: You’re welcome.




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#359 – Planned Parenthood in Omaha, NE

Listen to the Call:

5310 S. 139TH PLAZA # 301
OMAHA, NE 68137-2975

TAPE – 359

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. This is Michelle.

CALLER: Hi. I was wondering actually if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: We don’t. Our Council Bluffs office is the only one that does.

CALLER: Oh. Do you have the number for that?

CLINIC: Sure. It’s 322-6650.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know — like my friend actually told me like, I’ll be 14 in March and she told me that my parents would have to be told that I was getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just take care of that?

CLINIC: He could, yeah. Just have him go ahead and — he can set up an appointment to talk to somebody actually beforehand.


CLINIC: Just let them know the situation when you’re setting up, when you call to set up your appointment, and they’ll go ahead and rearrange so they can go ahead and do the process with him.



CALLER: So you’re sure that no one has to know anything at all?

CLINIC: They’ll have you — what they’ll have you do is just go in and you’ll end up signing a waiver and probably talking to a lawyer so that you don’t have to tell your parents.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, how much does the lawyer cost?

CLINIC: That’s no charge.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Okay? But yeah, just let them know that you’re probably going to be interested in the judicial bypass.


CLINIC: And then just let them know your situation.

CALLER: Okay. Well it’s just, I’m just really scared because like I just haven’t had a period since December 14, so I don’t know what to do.

CLINIC: Have you had a test yet, a pregnancy test yet?


CLINIC: Okay. Just let them know that. They might want to have you come in first.

CALLER: Oh. Well, could I come in there for that? Like my friend gave me this number because she said that you were the best place to go.

CLINIC: Okay. We do that — if you want to come in we do that Saturday from 9 to 12:30 or Monday 9 to 5:30.


CLINIC: And it’s $10.

CALLER: Is it all right like — I wanted my boyfriend to be there with me. Is that all right?

CLINIC: Yeah. That’s fine.

CALLER: Okay. Well, he just doesn’t want anybody to know about us. Would you guys be asking a whole bunch of questions or anything?

CLINIC: Yeah. That’s what we do.

CALLER: Okay. So what could I do then?

CLINIC: Let me see. Just a second.



CLINIC: Okay. So you said you haven’t had a, you haven’t run a pregnancy test yet?

CALLER: Right.

CLINIC: Okay. With the difference in age, legally if you come in we would have to report —

CALLER: What do you mean? Who would you have to report it to?

CLINIC: The police. It’s statutory rape.

CALLER: Well, he’s not raping me. I mean, we’re in love. We’re going to get married.

CLINIC: I know, but that’s the law.

CALLER: Well, what could happen?

CLINIC: He would still be charged whether you consent or not.

CALLER: But, so well what could I do then? I mean, I don’t want him to go to jail.

CLINIC: Otherwise you’re going to have to notify your parents.

CALLER: But I can’t tell my parents. I don’t know what they would do.

CLINIC: Any health clinic that you go into is going to be — they’re mandatory reporters. Anybody’s going to have to call the cops.

CALLER: Well, okay. Well, would it just be better not to say anything about him and not to have him come with me?

CLINIC: If you want to go through that alone. If you don’t tell them, you can try going to the Council Bluffs clinic because they don’t know what’s going on then.




CLINIC: Thank you. Bye bye.

(phone clicks)


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