Abortion and the Kilby Effect
We have become a culture dominated by asinine priorities in which the superficial is king, and where we worship our court jesters…
We have become a culture dominated by asinine priorities in which the superficial is king, and where we worship our court jesters…
Since Harry Blackmun’s Roe vs Wade decision, the pro-choice lobby has relied on the “no-one-knows-when-life-begins” lie as a rationalization for their baby-killing enterprise.
Over the years, George Orwell’s observation that some things are so stupid only an intellectual could believe them has proven to be frighteningly accurate. The entire pro-choice position is a testament to the fact that the human brain is the only organism in nature that has the ability to intentionally deceive itself.
At the same time we’re being told that America doesn’t have enough money to take care of its own children, we’re also being told that we have enough to pay for the executions of other people’s children.
Pro-Lifers are routinely portrayed as cold-hearted knuckle-draggers who would deny medical treatment to Alzheimer’s ravished diabetics just to satisfy our own personal agendas. Of course, the basis for this depiction is a lie.
No one can be an effective advocate for the unborn without a complete understanding of the fundamental principle guiding the pro-life position. We also need to prevent an important dispute within our movement from derailing all our efforts.
The idea that having a clean place to kill their babies is the cornerstone of women’s equality, is simply a marketing tool of the abortion industry.
Our enemies consistently claim that most Americans are pro-choice and that there is no consensus in the United States for making abortion illegal. Then they’ll trot out some poll that seems to back up their argument. But the fact is, this “pro-choice majority” lie is nothing more than political spin and the abortion industry’s own actions prove it.
Abortion advocates claim that the real issue isn’t abortion, but whether we trust women to be their own moral agents. But let’s take a look at how asinine this “trust women” rhetoric is…
Recently, 48 Democrat members of Congress signed a letter railing against Catholic bishops who say that pro-abortion politicians should be denied communion. But this letter signing nonsense is just part of The Great Ping-Pong Scam that gutless preachers and politicians have been pulling since the day abortion was legalized.